
Wachsend-(德) growing
Wahrend-(德) during
Wah-wah-in jazz, an onomatopoetic term that describes the undulating sound produced by alternating dampening, then restoring, a portion of a tone, for example, on electric guitars through the use of an electronic device, placed on the floor and operated with the player's foot
Wah-wah pedal-foot operated device used by an electric guitarist and bassist which modulates the output by removing low frequencies and boosts high frequencies producing the characteristic wah-wah effect
Waist-a narrowing in the middle of the body of an instrument, resulting in a shape like an hourglass, typically found in string instruments
Walking bass-a bass line that moves steadily in a rhythm contrasting to that of the upper parts; in jazz, a walking bass usually moves by steps played on bass or piano, with each note usually having the duration of a quarter note
Walnut A wood of rich brown color with occasional black streaks. It produces a striking instrument with a crisp, dry tone, a strong fundamental and with age is very stable. Black Walnut is gray in color, often with contrasting tan center strips. Peruvian Walnut is dark chocolate brown color and often with interesting, broad, dark lines. Mayan Walnut is very even colored and straight grained and is very easy to work. The color is a light-mocha with contrasting dark gray grain lines.
Waltz-a simple triple time dance; the dance generally has an introduction, a number of different melodies, before finishing with a coda; harmonically, the dance has one strong chord on the first beat, with two weaker chords on the second and third beat, this pattern repeated from bar to bar
Walzer-(德) waltz
Walzertempo-(德) waltz-time
Wandindi-Kenyan guitar
Wankend-(德) wavering, shaking
Warme-(德) warmth
Washtub bass-folk instrument made from an overturned washtub (the resonator), broom handle (the neck), and a single string, the tension on the string being provided by pulling back and forth on the handle
Wassail-a drinking festival often mentioned in Christmas carols
Wassoulou-a musical style from Mali typified by a strong Arabic feel
Water-Based Lacquer With personal health and environmental concerns the long-term trend is moving away from solvent-based finishes on guitars. In response, many manufacturers set a goal to create a lacquer with all of the positive characteristics of current solvent-based lacquers but without the hazardous, toxic solvent base. Water-Based Lacquer is environmentally friendly and produces "acceptable" results.
Watsa-watsa-popular Malagasy dance rhythm influenced by music from Mozambique and Congo
Wechseln-(德) to change
Wechselnote-(德) changing note
Weg-(德) away, off
Wehmut-(德) sorrow
Wehmuth-(德) sorrow
Wehmutig-(德) sorrowful
Wehmuthig-(德) sorrowful
Weich-(德) soft, tender, light, minor
Weinend-(德) wailing
Weinlied-(德) drinking song
Wenge As the price of Indian Rosewood has increased, African Wenge has become a more viable alternative wood. The color is chocolate brown with evenly spaced black veins. Wenge is heavier than either Indian or Brazilian Rosewood and is stiffer, but softer, with large pores.
Wenig-(德) little
Werden-(德) to become
Werdend-(德) becoming
Were-a Muslim style of music performed most often as a wake-up call for early breakfast and prayers during Ramadan celebrations
Western Red Cedar-Wood used for a guitar soundboard that is not as stiff as the spruces, which makes it ideal for lower tension or smaller bodied instruments. It has a warmer tone with excellent bass response and will produce a mature tonal quality more quickly than a spruce top. Color varies from light reddish to a light chocolate brown.
Whammy Bar-a pitch bending device that moves the bridge on a guitar
Whole Step-(American) a whole tone
Whole Tone-the interval of a major second
Whole Tone Scale-six note scale where the interval between successive notes is a whole step
Wie-(德) as, like, as if
Wie anf??nglich-(德) as at the beginning
Wieder-(德) again
Wiederholung-(德) repetition
Wiegend-(德) rocking, swaying
Wiegenlied-(德) lullaby, berceuse, cradle-song
Wienerisch-(德) Viennese
Wohlgef??llig-(德) pleasant, pleasantly
Wolf-a false note on a stringed instrument the result of an unintentional resonant response
Wood Grain-The arrangement, direction, or pattern of the fibrous tissue in wood.
Woofer-part of a speaker system designed to handle the low frequency parts of the signal
Word painting-musical depiction of words in text, so that the music tries to imitate the emotion, action, or adjectival description in the text, a device used often in madrigals and other works of the Renaissance
World music-music where influences from more that one cultural tradition intermingle, first made popular in the 1980s
Wound Strings-The fourth, fifth, & sixth strings of the guitar.
WoW-(德) work without an opus number,indicating works that were either unpublished or were not assigned an opus number by the composer
Wuchtig-(德) weighty
Wunsch-(德) wish
Wurde-(德) dignity
Wurdig-(德) dignified
Wut-(德) rage
Wutend-(德) raging, furious
Wuth-(德) rage
Wuthend-(德) raging, furious
Wuthig-(德) raging, furious
Wutig-(德) raging, furious

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
