
Saccade-(法) sharply accented
Sacred music-music designed to be played in church inspired by or as part of services including religious texts
Saddle-Typically made of bone ivory or plastic, the saddle transfers the vibrating energy of the string to the top of the guitar. The bridge saddle is not glued to the bridge, but rather held in place by the tension of the strings. The height of the saddle is determined by the guitar's angle of the neck, therefore it is not measured upon itself but rather measured for an optimal string height at the twelfth fret. Traditionally the bass strings are higher than the trebles, but crossover players are setting their heights more equal.
Saddle Height-The height of the string at the twelfth fret measured from the top of the fret to the bottom of the string as adjusted at the bridge saddle.
Saeta-an unaccompanied Spanish folk song
Saite-(德) the string of a musical instrument
Saltando-(意大利) spiccato
Saltato-(意大利) spiccato
Samba-a dance and type of music from Brazil of African slave origin. in double time and highly syncopated
Samisen-a Japanese 3-stringed instrument played with a plectrum
Sammlung-(德) collection
Sampler-a device used in electronic music enables the production of sounds digitally
Sampling-technique of recording using a sampler for subsequent processing, editing and playback
Samtlich-(德) complete, collected
Sanduri-(Greek) zither
Sanft-(德) soft, gentle
Sanftmutig-(德) gently
Sans-(法) without
Santoor-a hammered dulcimer struck with light wooden mallets, indigenous to Kashmir, but nowadays played throughout Northern India. The number of strings may vary between 24 and more than a 100, although typical instrument have about 80
Sanxian-Chinese long-necked lute with 3 strings and a small snake-covered head
Sape-a traditional lute of of Central Borneo. with a body carved from a single bole of wood originally strung with two strings and fitted with three frets
Sapeh-a traditional lute of of Central Borneo. with a body carved from a single bole of wood originally strung with two strings and fitted with three frets
Saraband-a dignified, steady dance usually in triple time
Sarabande-a dignified, steady dance usually in triple time
Satinwood Ceylon-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Sattar-a long-necked bowed instrument, with one metal playing string and 10 sympathetic strings from Western China
Satz-(德) movement, theme or subject, phrase, composition or piece, texture, style
Saudades-(Portuguese) sadness associated with a longing for times past
Sautille-(法) spiccato
Saz-family of long thin-necked metallic-sounding fretted lutes played throughout Turkey
Sbaltzato-(意大利) play with a sense of impetuosity
Sbalzo-(意大利) play with a sense of impetuosity
Scampanata-(意大利) unsophisticated music
Scat song-nonsense words generally used only in the improvised chorus as part of a song that otherwise has ordinary words
Scemando-(意大利) diminishing the volume of tone
Scenario-the outline of a work often prepared before either music and libretto has been written
Schalkhaft-(德) roguish
Scharf-(德) emphatically, definitely, precisely, sharply
Scharfe-(德) sharpness, definiteness, precision
Schaurig-(德) ghastly, gruesome
Schauerlich-(德) ghastly, gruesome
Schelmisch-(德) roguish
Scherz-(德) fun, joke
Scherzando-(意大利) jokingly, playfully
Scherzante-(意大利) jokingly, playfully
Scherzare-(意大利) to joke
Scherzetto-(意大利) a little scherzo
Scherzevole-(意大利) jokingly, playfully
Scherzevolmente-(意大利) jokingly, playfully
Scherzino-(意大利) a little scherzo
Scherzo and trio-a replacement for the 'minuet and trio' in the sonata cycle
Scherzosamente-Italian) playfully
Scherzoso-(意大利) playful
Schietto-(意大利) sincere, plain
Schlacht-(德) battle
Schlag-(德) stroke, blow
Schlagen-(德) to strike
Schlangenrohr -(德) serpent
Schleifer-an ornament used to fill in the interval between two notes
Schleppen-(德) drag
Schleppend-(德) dragging
Schlummerlied-(德) slumber song
Schluss-(德) end, conclusion
Schlussel-(德) clef
Schmachtend-(德) languishing
Schmeichelnd-(德) coaxingly
Schmelzend-(德) dying away
Schmerz-(德) pain, sorrow
Schmerzhaft-(德) painful, sorrowful
Schmerzlich-(德) painful, sorrowful
Schmerzvoll-(德) painful, sorrowful
Schneidend-(德) defining
Schnell-(德) quick
Schneller-(德) quicker
Schnelligkeit-(德) speed
Schottisch-(德) Scottish
Schottische-(德) Scottish
Schrittm??ssig-(德) andante
Schrittweise-(德) andante
Schuchtern-(德) shy
Schutteln-(德) to shake
Schwach-(德) weak or soft
Schwachen-(德) to weaken or to soften
Schwacher-weaken or soften

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
