
Strathspey-a slow Scottish dance, often coupled with the quick reel
Stravagante-(意大利) extravagant, fantastic
Straziante-(意大利) tearing
Streich-(德) stroke
Streng-(德) strict
Strepito-(意大利) noise
Strepitosamente-(意大利) noisily, boisterously
Strepitoso-(意大利) noisy
Stretch out-in jazz, an extended and often highly inventive improvisation in place of an anticipated shorter set of phrases
Stretching the Strings-A physical method of settling classical guitar strings.
Stretta-(意大利) a passage at the end of an aria, act or ensemble, in which the tempo is accelerated to effect a climax
Stretto-(意大利) accelerated, brought together
Strimpellata-(意大利) strumming, scraping
Stringendo-(意大利) squeezing together, accelerando
String-(s) A strand of gut, wire, silk or nylon that, when bowed, plucked or struck, produces a sound determined by its tension, length and density.
String Height-The height of a guitar string measured from the top of the twelfth fret to the bottom of the string.
String Life-The length of time a set of guitar strings retains-balance, tone, clarity, & sustain.
Sting Markings-a symbol used to indicate which string to play.
String music-Music especially composed for string instruments
String orchestra-a moderately large ensemble form only of first and second violins, cellos and double basses
String quartet-a quartet formed of one first violinist, one second violinist, one violist and one cellist
String Settling-The occurrence of tension equalization of a guitar string between its playing portions and non-playing portions.
String Slippage-The movement of the guitar string poorly attached to a tuner.
String Winder-A tool used to simplify winding a guitar string to its tuner.
Stringed instruments-any musical instrument that produces sound by means of strings under appropriate tension that are set into vibration by being plucked strummed, struck or bowed
Strings-the section of the orchestra formed by members of the violin family but excluding harp, guitar, harpsichord, piano, viols ……
Strisciando-(意大利) smooth, slurred, glissando
Strisciato-(意大利) smooth, slurred, glissando
Stroll-in jazz, a direction indicating that a performer should be silent
Stromentato-(意大利) played by instruments
Stromenti-(意大利) instruments
Stromento-(意大利) instrument
Strong Accent
Strophe-(Greek) a metrical or musical unit that is repeated in a musical composition
Strophic-(Greek) a metrical or musical unit that is repeated in a musical composition
Strum-brushing over the strings of a stringed instrument
Strumenti-(意大利) instruments
Strumento-(意大利) instrument
Stuck-(德) piece
Studien-(德) study, etude
Sturmend-(德) stormy, passionate
Sturmisch-(德) stormy, passionate
Style-the way musical elements (melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, form, etc.) are presented; what distinguishes one performance from another
Style brise-an arpeggiated style
Su-(意大利) on, near, up, above, upon
Suave-(意大利) suave
Suavita-(意大利) suavity
Subdivision-breaking up a larger metrical pattern into smaller parts
Sub-dominant-the fourth degree of the scale
Sub-dominant chord-the chord which uses as its root the subdominant note of a key
Sub-dominant triad-triad built on the fourth degree of the scale
Subito-(意大利) suddenly
Subject-a theme
Sub-mediant-the sixth degree of the scale
Sub-mediant chord-the chord which uses as its root the submediant note of a key
Sub-mediant triad-triad built on the sixth degree of the scale
Substitute fingering-alternative fingering
Sub-tonic-the seventh degree of the scale
Subwoofer-Speaker dedicated to reproducing very low frequencies. often placed on the floor
Sufi-devotional Muslim music
Sugli-(意大利) on the
Sui-(意大利) on the
Sugudu-Chinese plucked lute
Sui-(意大利) on, near, up, above, upon
Suite-a set of unrelated and usually short instrumental pieces
Suite de dances-(法) a set of dances
Suivez-(法) follow
Sul-Korean twenty-five string zither used in court music
Sull-(意大利) on, near, up, above, upon
Sulla-(意大利) on, near, up, above, upon
Sulle-(意大利) on, near, up, above, upon
Summend-(德) humming
Sungion-mu-(Korean) dance music for celebrating a victory
Suo-(意大利) its own
Suoni-(意大利) sounds
Suono-(意大利) sound
Superba-(意大利) proud
Superbo-(意大利) proud
Superius-the upper, or higher, voice or melody in a musical composition of two or more parts
Super-tonic-the second degree of the scale
Super-tonic chord-the chord which uses as its root the supertonic note of a key
Super-tonic triad-triad built on the second degree of the scale
Suppliant-(法) supplicating
Supplichevole-(意大利) supplicating
Supplichevolmente-(意大利) supplicating
Supprimez-(法) put stop out of action, suppress
Sur-(法) on, over
Sur la touche-(法) on the fingerboard
Sur le chevalet-(法) on the bridge
Surbahar-a bass sitar, tuned anywhere from four steps to an octave lower than a regular sitar
Surtout-(法) above all, especially
Suspended time-very long static events, with nothing much else happening
Suspension-a note that is held over, that is approached by itself, and resolved to the chord note by a tone or semitone after the chord is played
Suss-(德) sweet
Sustain-To keep in existence; maintain.
Sussurrante-(意大利) lightly
Susurrando-(意大利) whispering, murmuring
Svegliando-(意大利) brisk, alert
Svegliato-(意大利) brisk, alert
Svelto-(意大利) smart, quick, freely, lightly
Svolgimento-(意大利) development
Sweet Spots-Over time a soundboard (and to a lesser extent, the back & sides) "learns" an ability to move more freely at often used frequencies. The classical guitar consists of approximately 40 major wooden parts, all glued together to hold their idle state. If the instrument vibrates regularly at set frequencies, these glue joints will open in such a way that the guitar will eventually begin to vibrate more freely with notable improvements in tone, response, dynamic range, and volume (Sweet Spots).
Swing-American style of jazz music characterized by big band instrumentation
Syllabic-a musical setting is syllabic when one and only one note is related to one syllable in the text
Sympathetic strings-strings, that cannot be bowed or plucked, that resonate by means of their immediate proximity to other strings, that can be bowed or plucked, which are set very closely above them
sympathetic vibration-the vibration of an object independently in response to tone sounded by a musical instrument of which the object is a part, or that of another instrument
Symphonia-(Greek) symphony
Symphonie concertante-(法) featuring a few solo instruments and orchestra
Symphonique-(法) symphonic
Symphonisch-(德) symphonic
Symphony-an extended piece for full orchestra, usually serious in nature and in several movements
Symphony orchestra-an ensemble of instruments which may have in excess of 100 members
Syncopation-where a silence or weak beat replaces the expected strong beat
Synthesizer-an instrument that uses electronics to generate a large range of sounds, some meant to mimic real instruments and others that are completely new
Syvspring-a popular dance from Jutland
System-notation of a line of music including all the parts and voices involved, presented in a group of two or more staves which are joined together on the left hand side by a vertical bar and a brace

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
