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Chaleur-(法) warmth, with warmth Chaleureusement-(法) warmth, with warmth Chamber-a prefix used to describe small-scale musical activities, for example- chamber symphony (a symphony for a small ensemble of players), chamber music (music generally written to be played one-to-a-part) Champeta criolla-Afro-Colombian music style and dance from Cartagena, on the Caribbean coast Champetre-(法) rustic Changed note-device in strict counterpoint where a non-harmonic note is used on an accented beat Changes-the set of chord changes, or harmonies, contained in the central theme or melody around which a piece has been built Changez-(法) change Changing notes-non-harmonic notes; two notes, one that leaves the chord note by a tone or semitone, then leaps to the next non-harmonic note by skipping over the chord note, before resolving to the same chord note by a tone or semitone Changing time signatures Chantant-(法) in a singing style Chaque-(法) each, every Character piece-a musical piece representing a location, mood or personality Charango-small, 5-course, double strung guitar from South America, traditionally made with the shell of an armadillo Chart-colloquial or jazz term for a arrangement or score Chase-improvisations where one player performs a melodic riff and other members in the band take up the theme, often adding additional phrases, each trying to outplay the others Che-(意大利) who, which Chechen-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Chechen Burl-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Cheese cloth-A thin, loose woven cotton cloth, such as is used in pressing cheese curds. Chevalet-(法) bridge of a stringed instrument Cheville-(法) peg of a stringed instrument Chiaro-(意大利) clear Chiara-(意大利) unconfused Chiaramente-(意大利) clearly Chiarezza-(意大利) clarity Chiave-(意大利) clef Chiave di basso-(意大利) bass clef Chiave di tenore-(意大利) C clef Chiave di violino-(意大利) treble clef Chin chin-Chinese 4 string banjo with aluminum body Chitarra-(意大利) guitar Chitarra batente-guitar from Calabria (southern Italy), also known as 'Renaissance guitar'. With four or five metal strings Chitarrone-a long-necked member of the lute family fitted with extra bass strings, used to accompany solo singers, which was popular in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-centuries Chops-performer's technique when playing riffs, improvisations and melodic lines Choral-music sung by a choir Choral symphony-a symphony that includes a chorus Chorale-(德) traditional German hymn Chord-a group of notes, normally two or more, played simultaneously Chordal-a form of music in which a single melody is accompanied by sets of chords, instead of a competing counter melody Chord diagrams-a form of musical notation using vertical and horizontal lines to represent the strings and frets on a guitar that uses numbered dots to show the position of the fingers. Chord symbols-abbreviations for chord names used by players of the guitar, ukulele…. Chorus-a fairly large choir; a refrain of a song Chromatic-a scale in which all the intervals between succeeding notes is a semitone (half-note) Chromatic interval-a note that does not form part of the major or natural, melodic or harmonic minor scales Chromatic scale-Scale composed of twelve half steps Chromatic signs-accidentals Chromatique-(法) chromatic Church Cadence-Plagal Cadence.-A chord progression where the subdominant chord is followed by the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, an plagal cadence would be the subdominant f major chord (F A C) moving to the tonic C major chord (C E G). CI, CII, CIII, CIV, CV, CVI…… A single finger holding multiple strings on a stringed instrument at the same time. Symbol used in standard notation for guitar. Roman numeral (after C) indicates which fret. Example: B7 (C7, CVII, VII) Ciacona-(意大利) slow stately dance with variations, popular during the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries, generally in triple time, played over a ground bass Cinq-(法) five Cinque-(意大利) five Cinquieme-(法) fifth Cioa-(意大利) that is Circle of fifths-chain of intervals. each interval a fifth, after passing through every note of the scale returns to a note, several octaves different, from that on which the chain began. 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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