
Medesimo-(意大利) same
Mediant-the third degree of the scale
Medieval-pertaining to the Middle Ages
Medley-potpourri of melodies taken from other compositions and strung together
Mehr-(德) more, many
Mehrere-(德) several
Melic-(Greek) of or pertaining to song; lyric; tuneful
Melic composition-a musical composition relating to song
Melodic minor Scales
Melodie-(法) melody
Melodious-music with a pleasing melody
Melody-the horizontal dimension in music, where the vertical dimension arises from the harmony
Meme-(法) same
Men-(意大利) less
Meno-(意大利) less
Meno mosso-(意大利) less movement, slower
Menuett-(德) minuet
Menuetto-(意大利) minuet
Messing-(德) brass
Mesto-(意大利) mournful, sad
Mestoso-(意大利) mournful, sad
Mestizia-(意大利) sadness
Mesure-(法) beat, measure, time
Meta-(意大利) half
Meter-the organization of music or verse into units of accented and unaccented beats
Metre-the organization of music or verse into units of accented and unaccented beats
Metric modulation-the method of changing tempos precisely by making some note value in the first tempo equal to a different note value in the second tempo
Metronome-electronic or mechanical device for establishing the tempo of a piece of music
Metronome mark An indication of the speed at which a piece is to be played.
Mettere-(意大利) to put
Mettre-(法) to put
Mettez-(法) put
Mezza-(意大利) half
Mezzo-(意大利) medium
Mezzo forte-(意大利) halfway between loud and soft
Mezzo piano-(意大利) halfway between loud and soft
mf-(意大利) mezzo forte - halfway between soft and loud
mi contra fa-(意大利) tritone
Microtones-intervals smaller than a half step
Microtonal music-music which makes use of intervals smaller than a half step
Middle ages-period from about 500 AD until about 1430 AD
Middle C
MIDI-Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI is a specification for the types of control signals that can be sent from one electronic music device to another
Mi gaung-Burmese three stringed instrument in the shape of a crocodile
Miguel Llobet-(1878-1938)
Milieu-(法) middle
Militaire-(法) military
Militare-(意大利) military
Military band-a regimental band made up of woodwind, brass and percussion
Milk jug-percussion instrument used by Hungarian Gypsy musicians
Milonga-Argentine country dance
Minaccevole-(意大利) menacing
Minaccevolmente-(意大利) menacingly
Minacciando-(意大利) in a menacing manner
Minder-(德) less
Mineur-(法) minor
Minim-half note
Minim rest-a half rest
M-inima bianca-(意大利) half note
Minne-(德) love
Minor Melodic Scale (Ascending)
Minor Melodic Scale (Descending)
Minor Scale-having the interval of a minor third between the first and third degrees of the scale
Minor Scale (Harmonic)
Minor Scale (Natural)
Minore-(意大利) minor
Minstrel-entertainer who covered a wide range of activities from light farce to the performance of serious song
Minuet-a graceful French dance in simple triple time often appearing as a section of extended works
Minuet and trio-minuet - trio - minuet form in a moderate triple meter that is often the third movement of the Classical sonata cycle
Minuetto-(意大利) minuet
Mirror-term used to describe a part appearing upside down, which if set directly below the original part it would appear like the other reflected in a mirror lying between the two lines
Mise-(法) putting
Mistero-(意大利) mystery
Misterio-(意大利) mystery
Misterioso-(意大利) mysteriously
Mistico-(意大利) mystic
Misura-(意大利) measure, bar; also strict time
Misurato-(意大利) measured; in strict time
Mit-(德) with
Mitleidig-(德) pitiful
Mitte-(德) middle

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
