
Mobile-(意大利) changeable
Moderato-(意大利) moderate speed
Modere-(法) moderate speed
Modern music-music contemporized with the present generations
Modo-(意大利) manner, mode
Modulate-change of key
Modulation-change of key
Moglich-(德) possible
Moins-(法) less
Moitie-(法) half
Moll-(德) minor
Molle-(意大利) gentle
Mollemente-(意大利) gently
Molto-(意大利) much
Monody-a musical composition with only a single melody line
Monophonic-a musical composition that has only a single melody line
Monophony-a musical composition that has only a single melody line
Monothematic-a composition based on a single theme
Monotone-a single sustained, unvarying tone, or a succession of notes of the same tone
Monter-(法) to raise
Monterey Cypress-A wood that is a cousin to Spanish Cypress. The hues have a pinkish tone, but the overall appearance is one of a creamy luster. It is a stronger and a more reasonably priced alternative to Spanish Cypress. It is indistinguishable from Spanish Cypress in terms of sound production.
Montez-(法) raise
Moqueur-(法) mocking, waggish
Morbidezza-(意大利) gentleness or softness
Morbido-(意大利) gentle or soft
Morceau-(法) piece
Mordant a note ornament
Morendo-(意大利) dying away
Morgenlied-morning song
Mormorando-(意大利) murmuring
Mormorante-(意大利) murmuring
Mormorevole-(意大利) murmuring
Mormoroso-(意大利) murmuring
Mosso-(意大利) animated, moving
Motif-(法) the smallest identifiable self-existent element of melody or rhythm
Motion-the progress of a melody
Motiv-(德) the smallest identifiable self-existent element of melody or rhythm
Motive-the smallest identifiable self-existent element of melody or rhythm
Motivo-(意大利) the smallest identifiable self-existent element of melody or rhythm
Moto-(意大利) motion
Moto perpetuo-(意大利) continuous movement
Moto precedente-(意大利) the same speed as before
Motteggiando-(意大利) bantering
Motto theme-music that recurs and develops in the form of a quotation
Mouvement-(法) movement
Mouvemente-(法) animated, bustling
Movable clef-clefs, such as the 'C' and 'G' clefs, which, to facilitate writing the notes on the staff rather than having to resort to ledger lines
Movement-a self-contained section from a symphony, suite, sonata, concerto……….
Movente-(意大利) moving
Movimento-(意大利) motion, impulse
Mozambique-an Afro-Cuban rhythm
mp-(意大利) mezzo piano, halfway between soft and loud
Mude-(德) tired
Muffle-to reduce the sound of an instrument
Muhelos-(德) effortless
Multimedia work-contemporary works of art that employ several distinct art forms, such as sculpture and music or painting and light art
Multimetric-music in which there are changing time signatures
Multiphonics-performing two or more tones simultaneously
Multiple stopping-performing two or more notes simultaneously on a violin, etc.
Mun Ebony-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Munter-(德) lively
Murky-playing style where the bass consists of quick alternating octaves rather than slower, longer notes, in either case, the progression would have been the same
Murmelnd-(德) murmuring
Murmurando-(意大利) murmuring
Music-(Greek) organized sound
Music ficta-the sharpening or flattening of notes prescribed or permitted in modal music for the purpose of avoiding certain intervals, harmonies or whatever
Music of the spheres-an ancient doctrine originating with the Greeks that implies that the universe and everything in it is in harmony
Music therapy-the use of music to cure or to bring physical or psychological relief
Musica falsa-the sharpening or flattening of notes prescribed or permitted in modal music for the purpose of avoiding certain intervals, harmonies or whatever
Musica jibara-Puerto Rican music
Musica nortena-northern Mexican popular music
Musica parlante-(意大利) recitative
Musica reservata-serious music
Musical-a popular successor to musical comedy
Musical comedy-a play with songs and music, catchy, comic and romantic
Musical periods-periods when Western music was written
Musical Scales
Musical Switch-a medley of popular tunes
Musico-a castrato
Musicology-the study of music
Musikwissenschaft-(德) musicology
Musique concrete-(法) electrically combined sounds derived from natural sources rather than musical instruments
Mutano-(意大利) change
Mutate-to shift from one hexachord to another, relaying on a pivot pitch
Mutation-to shift from one hexachord to another, relaying on a pivot pitch
Mut-(德) boldness, courage
Mute-a device to reduce or eliminate the sound coming from an instrument
Mutig-(德) bold
Muth-(德) boldness, courage
Muthig-(德) bold
Mysterios-(德) mysterious

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
