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Pearwood-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Pedal steel guitar-distantly related to the Hawaiian steel guitar, played by sliding a steel bar up and down the strings, employs a system of pedals and knee levers that mechanically alter the tuning of individual strings while the instrument is being played Pegbox-where on stringed instruments the tuning pegs or, in the case of instrument fitted with a worm gear system, machine heads used to adjust the tension of the strings are fitted Pegdisc-where on stringed instruments the tuning pegs or, in the case of instrument fitted with a worm gear system, machine heads used to adjust the tension of the strings are fitted Peine, A-(法) hardly at all, scarcely Pendant-(法) during Penetrant-(法) penetrating Pentatonic Scale Per-(意大利) by, for, from, in order to Perdendo-(意大利) gradually dying away and becoming slower Perdendosi-(意大利) gradually dying away and becoming slower Perfect-intervals of a unison, octave, fourth, and fifth when they are exactly in tune and neither augmented nor diminished Perfect interval-intervals of an octave, a fifth and a fourth Perfect prime-alternative name for unison Perfect time-in medieval theory, triple time Perfect unison-alternative name for unison Perfectus-(拉丁) intervals of a unison, octave, fourth, and fifth when they are exactly in tune and neither augmented nor diminished Period-a complete musical thought, concluded by a cadence, having two phrases, each usually two to eight bars (measures) in length Periodicities-recur at regular intervals Permutation-where a subject recurs with a change in the order of the notes Pero-(意大利) however, therefore Perpetual canon-an infinite canon, a round Pes-(拉丁)-the first section of a canso Pesant-(法) heavy, heavily Pesante-(意大利) heavy, heavily Pesamment-(法) heavily Pesantemente-(意大利) heavily Petenera-a traditional Spanish song in brisk triple time Petit-(法) small, little Petite Peu-(法) little Peu a peu-(法) little by little Pezzo-(意大利) piece Pfeife-(德) pipe Pfiffig-(德) artful Phantasie-(德) imagination, fancy, reverie Phantasy-(德) fantasia Philharmonic-a symphony orchestra Phrase-a short musical idea similar to a sentence in spoken language Phrasing-a style of performance that gives shape to the musical phrases Phrygian cadence-A chord progression where the subdominant chord (in first inversion) is followed by the dominant chord. The root of the final chord is approached from a half step above. In the tonality of A minor, a phrygian cadence would be the subdominant A minor chord (F A D) moving to the dominant E major chord (E G# B). The Phrygian cadence is a special type of half cadence. Phthongos-(ancient Greek) a note Piacere-(意大利) fancy, pleasure Piacevole-(意大利) agreeable, pleasing Pianamente-(意大利) softly Piangente-(意大利) weeping Piangendo-(意大利) weeping Piangevole-(意大利) mournful Piangevolmente-(意大利) mournfully Piano-(意大利) soft Pianissimo-(意大利) softer than Piano Pianississimo-(意大利) softer than Pianissimo Pianissississimo-(意大利) softer than Pianississimo Pianississississimo-(意大利) softer than Pianissississimo Pianto-(意大利) lamentation, plaint Picado-similar to pizzicato, the striking of a guitar string while playing flamenco music, alternating between the index finger and the middle fingers Picardy third-the use of the major third in the last chord of a piece in a minor key Piccola-(意大利) little Piccolo-(意大利) full Pick-small piece of plastic (or other material including metal, bone or shell) that is used to strum or pluck stringed instruments of the guitar family Pick-up-a single or group of notes that come before the first strong metrical beat, usually the first beat of the measure; device which, when attached to an acoustic musical instrument, converts sound vibrations into an electrical signal Piece-any composition that is a complete in itself Piena-(意大利) full Pieno-(意大利) full Pieta-(意大利) pity Pietoso-(意大利) piteous Pietosamente-(意大利) piteously, tenderly Pince-(法) pinched, pizzicato Pink Ivory-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Pink Noise-a random noise source characterized by a flat amplitude response per octave band of frequency Pipa-a Chinese lute-like instrument dating back to the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) bearing four strings, with a pear-shaped body made of hard wood, measures almost four feet long and a foot across the belly. The neck normally has six ledges made of wood, horn, or ivory, and the belly has twenty-six bamboo frets. The strings are typically plucked, with picks attached to each of the player's five fingers, with the instrument held vertically in the lap. Pique-(法) spiccato Piquiren-(德) to play spiccato Pirekuas-Purepecha Indian love songs from Michoacan Mexico Pistachio Burl-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Pitch-The relative position of a tone within a range of musical sounds. Pitch pipe-device that is used to set any pitch of the chromatic scale Piu-(意大利) more Piuttosto-(意大利) rather, somewhat Pivot-a chord that is placed in a transition between two keys, serving a different function in each key Pivot chord-a chord that is placed in a transition between two keys, serving a different function in each key Pizz.-(意大利) plucked Pizzicato-(意大利) plucked Placabile-(意大利) peaceful, calm, tranquil Placabilmente-(意大利) peacefully Placidamente-(意大利) peacefully Placidezza-(意大利) placidly Placido-(意大利) placid Placito-(意大利) pleasure Plagal Cadence-A chord progression where the subdominant chord is followed by the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, an plagal cadence would be the subdominant f major chord (F A C) moving to the tonic C major chord (C E G). Plain Strings-The treble strings of a guitar. Unwound. Plainte-a slow song or instrumental composition of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries Plaisant-(法) merry Plaque-(法) chords played together rather than spread or arpeggiated Plaudernd-(德) chattering, babbling Plectrum-a small piece of plastic, wood, bone, leather, quill, or whatever, used to pluck a string Plein-(法) full Pleine-(法) full Pleno-(意大利) full Plop-a rapidly descending glissando at the start of a note, normally sounded just prior to the beat Plotzlich-(德) suddenly Pluck-by picking or pulling them with fingers or a pick, cause the strings on a stringed instrument to vibrate Plucking point-the point at which a string, such as that on a guitar, is plucked relative to the nut. The smaller the distance to the plucking point the more nasal the tone. Plus-(德) more 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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