
An-(德) on, by, to, at phrase
Anacruses-up-beats or pickup notes, unstressed syllables at the beginning of a phrase
Anacrusis-up-beat or pickup note, unstressed syllable at the beginning of a
Anacrustic-a phrase that starts and ends in the middle of a bar
A??ada-a Spanish lullaby
Analysis-the study of the form and structure of music
Anapest-musical foot comprising two short notes or syllables, followed by one long
Ancient minor scale-the natural minor scale
Ancora-(意大利) still, yet
Ancora meno mosso-(意大利) still more slowly
Andacht-(德) devotion
Andachtig-(德) devotional
Andalouse-(法) various dances of Spanish origin
Andaluz-(Spanish) various dances of Spanish origin
Andaluza-(Spanish) various dances of Spanish origin
Andamento-(意大利) going, of a running character
Andante-(意大利) moving along, flowing, at a walking pace
Andante grazioso-(意大利) graceful moving along, at a walking pace
Andante sostenuto-(意大利) sustained and moving along
Andantino-(意大利) andante
Andare-(意大利) go on
Andauernd-(德) lasting, continuing
Ander-(德) other
Andere-(德) other
An dro-Breton circle dance
Anfang-(德) beginning
Anfangs-(德) at the beginning
Angemessen-(德) suitable to
Angenehm-(德) agreeable
Anglais-(法) English; an English country dance, sometimes part of the suite, in quick duple time, always starting on a strong beat
Anglaise-(法) English; an English country dance, sometimes part of the suite, in quick duple time, always starting on a strong beat
Angore-(意大利) pain, anxious wish
Angoscia-(意大利) anguish
Angosciosamente-(意大利) with anguished feeling
Angoscioso-(意大利) with anguished feeling
Angriefen-(德) to seize, to attack
Angst-(德) anguish, anxiety??ngstlich-(德) anxious, uneasy
Anhalten-(德) to hold on
Anhang-(德) a supplement, coda
A niente-to nothing, for example, to pppp
Animando-(意大利) animating
Animandosi-(意大利) become animated
Animato-(意大利) animated
Anime-(法) animated
Animo-(意大利) spirit
Animosamente-(意大利) spirited
Animoso-(意大利) spirit
Anlaufen-(德) to swell or grow in volume
Anmut-(德) grace
Anmuth-(德) grace
Anmutig-(德) graceful
Annular Rings-(Growth Rings) can be seen in a horizontal cross section cut through the trunk of a tree. Visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree.
Anon.-unknown, particular unknown composer
Anonymous-unknown, particular unknown composer
Anreissen-(德) very strong pizzicato
Anschlag-(德) touch, attack, appoggiatura before a principal note
Anschmiegend-(德) compliant, yielding
Anschwellend-(德) crescendo, gradually getting louder
Ansia-(意大利) anxiety
Anstatt-(德) instead of
Anstimmen-(德) to tune
Answer-a musical phrase that responds to another
Antecedent-the subject of a fugue or canon; the first phrase of a musical period; the first of a pair of musical statements, termed antecedent and consequent, that complement each another in rhythmic symmetry and harmonic balance
Anthem-national patriotic song
Antica-(意大利) ancient, antique
Antiche-(意大利) ancient, antique
Antichi-(意大利) ancient, antique
Anticipated Barre Anticipated or Expected Barre
Anticipation-a note played before a chord with which it is a concord, where it is discordant with the preceding chord
Antico-(意大利) ancient, antique
Antiphonal-a musical form where one section of performers answers another
Antithesis-in a fugue, the answer
Anwachsend-(德) swelling in tone
Apaise-(法) more peacefully
A peine-(法) hardly, barely
Aperto-(意大利) clear, distinct, broad style
A piacere-(意大利) as you want, as you wish, ad lib
A poco-(意大利) by degrees, gradually
A poco a poco-(意大利) little by little
Apotheosis-a person or an ideal that has been glorified or deified
Appassionata-(意大利) impassioned
Appassionato-(意大利) impassioned
Appassionatamente-(意大利) passionately
Appassionamento-(意大利) passion
Appena-(意大利) hardly, barely
Appenato-(意大利) as if distressed
Apple-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Appoggiando -(意大利) portamento, legato, playing smoothly, stressed, drawn out, leaning on
Appoggiato-(意大利) portamento, legato, playing smoothly, stressed, drawn out, leaning on
Appoggiatura-(意大利) a note preparatory to another or to a chord acting as an unprepared suspension
Appuye-(法) emphasized
Appuyee-(法) emphasized
Apres-(法) after
Aquarelle-(法) delicately textured
Arabesk-popular Turkish music of Arabic rather than Turkish origin
Aragonaise-(法) a dance associated with Aragon in Spain
Aragonesa-(Spanish) a dance associated with Aragon in Spain
Archet-(法) bow, string as in a single stringed instrument; used to mark a section to

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
