
Clangorous-containing partials that are not part of the natural harmonic series.
Clangorous tones often sound bell-like
Claque-(法) members of an audience, hired by a performer, usually to respond rapturously and loudly during the performance including calling for frequent encores, audience response
Clarity-Free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression.
Classical-a period in music generally understood to be between 1750 and 1820; music that is has an enduring quality
Classical Guitar-A guitar, usually of six nylon strings, used to play classical style music.
Classical music-a period in music generally understood to be between 1750 and 1820; music that is has an enduring quality
Clave-five-note, two-bar rhythmic pattern which generates rhythmic measurement and is the foundation and backbone of salsa
Clef-symbol placed on the left of the stave which establishes the relationship between notes and their position on the staff lines and spaces
Clef de fa-(法) clef sign that shows the position of F on the staff, for example, the bass clef
Clef de sol-clef sign that shows the position of G on the staff, for example, the treble clef
Click track-technique for reinforcing the live sound of a musical or band with recorded sound from one track of a tape. The other track of the tape consists of a click used by the musical director to keep the live band and cast synchronized with the recorded band or cast
Clos-a cadence in which the last note sounds conclusive; that note, termed the 'final', which is the central note of the melody; the second ending of a repeated section
Closed ending-second of two endings in a secular medieval work, usually cadencing on the final
Close harmony-a form of harmony where the harmonizing notes lie close to the melody
Cocobolo Cocobolo is a Rosewood that grows in southern Mexico and Central America. Freshly cut, it is a bright yellow and orange-red but over time it oxidizes to a rich brown-red color with black streaks. It is probably as close to Brazilian Rosewood in beauty and tonal qualities as any wood. Cocobolo is heavier than most Rosewoods, not as stable, and occasionally more brittle.
Coda-(意大利) passage ended onto the end of a composition see in Repeats, D.S.,D.C...
Coda Sign
Coda uncinata-(意大利) the flag attached to the tail of a note to show its length
Code uncinate-(意大利) the flags attached to the tail of a note to show their length
Codetta-(意大利) a passage within a composition in sonata form which, while resembling a coda, occurs at the end of the exposition rather than at the end of the piece
Cogli-(意大利) with the
Coi-(意大利) with the
Col'-(意大利) with the
Col canto-(意大利) to follow the speed of the singer
Coll-(意大利) with the
Colla-(意大利) with the
Collage-a technique where musical fragments from other compositions are overlapped within a new work
Colla parte-(意大利) to follow the speed of the singer
Colla voce-(意大利) to follow the speed of the singer
Colle-(意大利) with the
Colombianas-flamenco style influenced by South American rhythms
Combination note-third note heard when two notes are played simultaneously, resultant tone
Combined French Polished Shellac & Nitrocellulose Lacquer-Many guitar makers are now combining both. They are using French polish for the soundboard because of the finish's tonal characteristics and Nitrocellulose lacquer for the rest of the guitar for its durability.
Combo-Small group of musicians, usually four to six
Come-(意大利) as, like, as if
Comme-(法) as, like, as if
Come prima-(意大利) as before
Comique-(法) comic
Commissioned work-one for which a composer is given a contract
Common chord-a chord containing a root, third, and fifth
Common meter-the meter of a four-line stanza with eight, six, eight and six syllables per line
Common metre-the meter of a four-line stanza with eight, six, eight and six syllables per line
Common note-a note that remains the same between two different chords
Common time-the time signature 4/4
Common tone-a note that remains the same between two different chords
Comodamente-(意大利) comfortably, conveniently, moderately
Comodo-(意大利) at an easy pace, comfortable, moderate
comp.-abbreviation of 'composed'
Comparsa-musical gathering
Compass-the range of an instrument
Compiacevole-(意大利) pleasing
Compiacevolmente-(意大利) pleasingly
Compiacimento-(意大利) pleasure
Comping-the practice of supplying background music comprised of chords while a soloist is improvising
Complete cadence-Plagal Cadence.-A chord progression where the subdominant chord is followed by the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, an plagal cadence would be the subdominant f major chord (F A C) moving to the tonic C major chord (C E G).
Complex meter-a time signature such as 4+2+3 / 8
Complex time signature-a time signature such as 4+2+3 / 8
Componiert-(德) composed
Compose-(法) composed
Composer-a person who writes music
Composition-the music that a composer writes
Compound harmony-standard chord with an added octave in the bass
Compound interval-an interval greater than an octave, for example, a ninth, an eleventh, a thirteenth
Compter-(法) to count
Con-(意大利) with
Con amore-(意大利) with love, lovingly
Con brio-(意大利) with spirit
Concert-(意大利) musical performance in front of an audience
Concertant-(法) in the form of a concerto, where there is interplay between the performers
Concertante-(意大利) in the form of a concerto, where there is interplay between the performers
Concertino-(意大利) a shorter work
Concert master-(德) the first violinist or leader of an orchestra
Concert-meister-(德) the first violinist or leader of an orchestra
Concerto-ensemble music for voice(s) and instrument(s) (seventeenth-century
Concert overture-single-movement concert piece for orchestra
Concert pitch-the pitch to which an ensemble tunes, typically a'= 440Hz
Concitato-(意大利) agitated, roused, stirred
Concitamento-(意大利) agitation
Concitazione-(意大利) agitation
Concord-a chord, or group of notes complete and in total harmony with each other
Concordant-a chord, or group of notes complete and in total harmony with each other
Conduct-to direct a performance by an ensemble
Conductor-a person who conducts
Con forza-(意大利) forcefully, vigorously
Con fuoco-(意大利) with fire
Con grandezza-(意大利) with grandeur

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
