
C1, C2, C3, C4, …… A single finger holding multiple strings on a stringed instrument at the same time.
C clef-clef sign that marks the position of the note C on the staff.
Cacophony-discordant or dissonant sound
Cadence a note ornament
Cadence calls-songs sung by soldiers while marching
Calando-(意大利) diminuendo
Calcando-(意大利) accelerando
Calmato-(意大利) calmed, calming
Calme-(法) calm
Calore-(意大利) passion, warmth or animation
Caloroso-(意大利) passion, warmth or animation
Calvarios-Spanish Easter songs
Calypso-Caribbean popular musical form often humorous sung by a single guitarist or bands
Camatillo Rosewood From Central America, it is sometimes known as Mexican Kingwood.The wood has a deep, rich purple color with numerous black ink lines. Straight grain is rare but it is surprisingly stable.
Camminando-(意大利) a flowing style, a walking pace
Camphor Burl-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Canadian Cypress Alaskan Yellow Cedar, sometimes called Canadian or New World
Cypress, is fine and even textured with very close grains. In terms of dimensional change due to moisture content change, it is one of the most stable. It is light yellow in color.
Canari-very fast gigue-like dance, in triple or duple-compound meter, with a 'skipping' feel
Cancel-natural sign, used to remove a previously applied accidental
Can-can-Parisian dance, originating in Paris, involving a line of high-kicking women
Cancrizans-(拉丁) a tune repeated so that the original order of notes is reversed--- the last note become the first, the penultimate note becomes the second, and so on until the first becomes the last
Canon-a musical form in which a (second, third, fourth, ….) line starting later than the one before it matches it note for note but such that the parts overlap
Cans-headphones, microphone and belt pack
Cantabile-(意大利) in a singing style
Cantando-(意大利) in a singing style
Cantaor-(Spanish) flamenco singer (masc.)
Cantaora-(意大利) in a singing style (femin.)
Cant de la sibila-traditional Christmas song from Majorca (Spain) about the second coming of Christ
Cante chico-light flamenco song
Cante grande-profound Flamenco song style
Cante hondo-(Spanish) serious Spanish flamenco song making use of the Phrygian cadence and the word ole
Cante jondo-(Spanish) serious Spanish flamenco song making use of the Phrygian cadence and the word ole
Cantes de las minas-flamenco style that has as theme the mines, its men and their difficulties
Cantes extreme??os-flamenco songs from the Extremadura region
Canticle-a Biblical hymn
Cantilena-(意大利) Lullaby--smooth, melodious vocal style
Canto-(意大利) song, melody
Canto de velada-Spanish evening song
Canto hondo-(Spanish) serious Spanish flamenco song making use of the Phrygian cadence and the word ole
Cantus-(拉丁) melody at the top of a polyphonic piece, often set over a tenor line
Canzonet-(意大利) short, simple song
Canzonetta-(意大利) short, simple song
Caoine-(Gaelic) Irish funeral song
Capelle-(法) chapel
Capodaster-(德) device that clamps to the neck of a guitar and which change its tuning by shortening the sounding length of every string
Capodastere-(法) device that clamps to the neck of a guitar and which change its tuning by shortening the sounding length of every string
Capotasto-(意大利) device that clamps to the neck of a guitar and which change its tuning by shortening the sounding length of every string
Capo d'astro-(意大利) device that clamps to the neck of a guitar and which change its tuning by shortening the sounding length of every string
Capodastro-(意大利) device that clamps to the neck of a guitar and which change its tuning by shortening the sounding length of every string
Capriccio-(意大利) light, quick, sometimes fanciful composition
Capriccioso-(意大利) capricious
Caprice-(英) light, quick, sometimes fanciful composition
Caprice-(法) light, quick, sometimes fanciful composition
Capricieux-(法) capricious
Capricciosamente-(意大利) capriciously
Carcassi, Matteo-(1792-1853)
Carcelera-(Spanish) prisoner's song
Caressant-(法) caressing
Carezzando-(意大利) caressing
Carezzevole-(意大利) caressingly
Carol-(英) Christmas song
Carree-(法) double whole note
Carulli, Fernando-(1770-1841)
Catgut-(德) good, well; (英) a cord made from the intestines of animals, esp. of sheep, lambs or goats, used for strings of early guitars
Cavaquinho-small 4-stringed instrument from Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking countries, used in samba music. inspiration for the Hawaiian ukulele
C clef-clef sign that marks the position of the note C on the staff.
Cedez-(法) slow down generally before a return to an earlier tempo
Cejilla-device that can be moved to change the pitch of the flamenco guitar
Celere-(意大利) quick, speedy
Celerita-(意大利) speed
Celtic harp-small harp 24 to 34 strings, around 1 metre tall, with curved neck and pillar that is played resting on the knee
Cent-logarithmic unit used when measuring the difference between two pitches in an equal-tempered scale; one cent is one one-hundredth of an equal-tempered semitone (half step)
Center Seam Backstrip-The Backstrip, usually made of wood, will match or compliment the guitars edge binding. It will also reinforce the center seam of a book-matched back of a guitar.
Center Seam Reinforcement Strip-A strip of wood is added to the seam of a book-matched back for reinforcement on a guitar. cf.-(拉丁) abbreviated form of conferatur meaning 'compare'
Chaabi-popular Arabic music, also known as shaabi
Chacarra-fandango dance from Tarifa, in southern Spain, performed by two women and one man
Chace-(法) fourteenth-century French term for 'canon', two- and three-voice canons that imitated bird calls or the sounds of instruments, …..
Chachacha-considered to be the first chachacha, in 1953. As a dance, cha cha became popular in the 1950s and 1960s and is descended from mambo through triple mambo. It is in 4/4 time and follows a rhythmic pattern two quarter-notes, three eighth-notes and a eighth-rest
Chaconne-a slow stately dance with variations, popular during the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries, generally in triple time, played over a ground bass
Chacony-(Old Eng.) a slow stately dance with variations, popular during the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries, generally in triple time, played over a ground bass

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
