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Recapitulation-the return of the opening thematic material Recessional-composition to be performed at the end of a church service as the clergy leaves the church Recht-(德) right Rechte-(德) right Recital-a musical performance usually involving a small number of performers Recoupe-a dance of the French Renaissance Recueilli-(法) meditative Red Palm-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Redend-(德) speaking Redoublement-(法) doubling Redoubler-(法) doubling Redowa-a fast, triple-time dance from Bohemia Reduction-simplified arrangement of a composition Reduire-(法) to arrange Reduzieren-(德) to arrange Redundant entry-an extra voice in the initial entries or the exposition in a fugue Redwood Lace Burl-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Reel-lively Scottish, Irish or Scandinavian dance in 4/4 Refin.-A non original finish on a guitar. Refrain-a chorus or a part of a song that recurs often at the end of each of a number of verses Refrapper-(德) to strike again Reggae-a slow tempo rhythmic style that originated in Jamaica Regie-(德) production Register-range of an instrument with a characteristic sound Registrieren-(德) to register Registrierung-(德) registration Registro-(意大利) register Rein-(德) pure Rejouissance-(法) a spirited movement found in suites of the baroque period Relache-(法) loosened Related keys-musical keys that because of their similarity are easy to move between Relative keys-keys that share a common key signature, for example, C major and A minor Relative pitch-an ability to identify one pitch with reference to another given pitch Religieuse-(法) religious Religieux-(法) religious Religiosamente-(意大利) with a devotional feeling Religioso-(意大利) religious Remettre-(法) to put back Remote keys-the relationship between keys that have relatively few notes in common, for example, the key of C and the key of F sharp Renaissance-(意大利) an era of music between the fifteenth- and sixteenth-centuries Rendition-a performance Renforcer-(法) increase Renforcez-(法) increase Rentree-(法) re-entry Renvoi-(法) the repeat sign Repeat-a sign indicating that a section of a piece of music is to be played a second time. Repeat-sign-a sign indicating that a section of a piece of music is to be played a second time. Repeated notes-reiteration of a tone at the same pitch level Repeated notes Repeated-passage Repeated Sequence of Two Notes Repercussion-the frequent repetition of the same sound Repertoire-compositions prepared for performance Repeticion-(Spanish) repeat Repetition-(法) rehearsal Repetizione-(意大利) rehearsal Replica-(英) musical instrument that is a reproduction Replica-(意大利) repeat Replicato-(意大利) doubled Replicazione-(意大利) repetition Repos-(法) repose Reprendre-(法) to take up again Reprenez-(法) take up again Reprise-(法) repeat, recapitulation, revival; a shortened version of a major composition in a stage production used to reward the audience with a repeat of a popular melody, often used as a finale to a scene or an act Requiem-musical composition honoring the dead Requinto-small guitar used in Spain, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico Requinto jarocho-small 4-string Mexican guitar from the Jarocho region Resolument-(法) resolutely Resolution-harmonic progression from discord to concord Resoluto-(意大利) resolute Resoluzione-(意大利) firmness, steady rhythm Resonator-those parts of instruments which resonate or vibrate, thus enhancing the sound of the instrument, particularly the body of a guitar (an example of a resonator box) Ressortir-(法) to make a melody stand out Rest-a musical symbol indicating a period of silence Restez-(法) remain on a note or string Restring-Install new strings on a guitar. Retardando-(意大利) to hold back, holding back, held back (gradual change of tempo) Retardation-suspension in a harmony that resolves upwards rather than downwards; a slowing down of the tempo Retenant-(法) to hold back immediately Retenu-(法) to hold back immediately Retrograde motion-a theme played backwards Retrograde inversion motion-a theme played backwards and upside down Retrouvez-(法) re-attain Reunis-(法) coupled Reveille-(法) the military signal announcing the start of the day, wake-up call Revenir-(法) to return Reverse motion-imitation in contrary motion, that is, the ascending intervals are changed to descending intervals and the descending intervals changed to ascending Reveur-(法) dreamy Revidiert-(德) revised Rewap- a three-string long necked lute of the Turks in China. The resonator is usually round, covered with python skin or other elements and sometimes there are elaborate wood, bone and horn inlays Rezitativ-(德) recitative 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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