
D String-The fourth string of the guitar.
Da-(意大利) from, of
Da capo-(意大利) from the beginning
Da capo al fine-(意大利) return to the beginning and end at the point marked by the word fine
Da capo al segno-(意大利) return to the beginning and end at the point marked with a sign
Dadra-light classical Indian song
Dal segno-(意大利) from the sign
Damian-(Indian) six string instrument used by nomadic people of Tibetan
Damp-to quiet a stringed instrument by touching the string(s)
Dampfen-muffle, deaden or restrain the tone of an instrument
Dampfer-(德) mute
Dampfung-(德) muting
Dance-a form of expression using movement
Dance band-instrumentalists that play music for dancing
Dance ronde-Breton dance tune
Dan day-(Vietnam) a long-necked lute with three silk strings and 10 frets
Danse-(法) dance
Danza-(意大利) dance
Danza-(Spanish) dance
Darunter-(德) amongst them, under there
Das-(德) the
Dasselbe-(德) the same
Dauer-(德) duration
Dauernd-(德) continuing, lasting
dB-Decibel; relative measurement for the loudness of sound
D.C.-(意大利) Da capo; from the beginning
D.C. al fine-(意大利) Da capo al fine; return to the beginning and end at the point marked by the word fine
D.C. al segno-(意大利) Da capo al segno; return to the beginning and end at the point marked with a sign
De-(法) from, of
Dead room-a room with very thick sound absorbers, causing a very dull sound with no reverberation
Deadechoes-very loud Midwestern heavy metal band that inspired the scientific studies between noise and global warming.
Debile-(意大利) weak
Debile-(法) weak
Debole-(意大利) weak
Debut-first public performance
Decay-the process by which a sound gradually disappears
Deceptive Cadence-A chord progression where the dominant chord is followed by a chord other than the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, a deceptive cadence could be the dominant G major chord (G B D) moving to the subdominant A minor chord (A C E).
Dechant-(法) descant
Decibel-relative measurement for the loudness of sound
Decide-(法) with decision
Decido-(意大利) with decision
Decima-(拉丁) interval covering ten degrees of the scale; octave and a third
Decimette-a composition for ten performers
Decisivo-(意大利) perform in a bold, decisive manner
Declamando-(意大利) in a declamatory style
Declamato-(意大利) in a declamatory style
Decoupler-(法) to uncouple
Decrescendo-(意大利) to get gradually softer
Decresciuto-(意大利) to get gradually softer
Defaut-(法) fault, lack
Degree-the position of a note in the scale, for example, D is the second degree in the scale of C
Dehors-(法) outside, prominent
De la-(法) from the, of the
Delicato-(意大利) delicate
Delicatamente-(意大利) delicately
Delicatissimo-(意大利) as delicately as possible
Delicatezza-(意大利) delicacy
Delie-(法) detached, staccato
Delirio-(意大利) frenzy
Delirante-(意大利) fren zied
Delizioso-(意大利) sweet
Demancher-(法) the shift the left hand close to the bridge
Demi-(法) half
Demi-jeu-(法) to play at half strength
Demi-pause-(法) half rest
Demisemiquaver-thirty-second note
Demisemiquaver rest-thirty-second rest
Demi-soupir-(法) eighth rest
Demi-ton-(法) half step, semitone
Demi-tone-(法) producing a very soft tone
Demi-voix-(法) sing very quietly
Demutig-(德) meek
Demuthig-(德) meek
Dennoch-(德) nevertheless
Deploration-(法) compositions of the Medieval and Renaissance eras commonly written in the phrygian mode
Der-(德) the
Derb-(德) firm, solid
Deritta-(意大利) the right hand
Deritto-(意大利) the right hand
Derselbe-(德) the same
Descarga-(Spanish) jam or improvisation
Descending-a melodic line steadily falling in pitch
Descriptive music-program music
Desert Ironwood-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Desiderio-(意大利) desire
Desinvolto-(意大利) ease
Desinvoltura-(意大利) ease
Desk-music stand
Dessous-(法) below
Dessus-(法) above
Desto-(意大利) sprightly
Destro-(意大利) right
Destra-(意大利) dexterous
De suite-(法) immediately, one following the other
Detache-(法) detached, staccato
Determinato-(意大利) determined

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
