
Schwankend-(德) swaying
Schwebung-(德) the beating between two notes slightly out of tune with one another, difference tone
Schweigen-(德) silence, rest
Schweigezeichen-(德) silence, rest
Schweigt-(德) silence, rest
Schwellen-(德) crescendo
Schwer-(德) heavy, difficult
Schwermutig-(德) heavy-hearted
Schwermutsvoll-(德) heavy-hearted
Schwinden-(德) diminuendo
Schwung-(德) swing
Schwungvoll-(德) full of vigour
Scintillante-(意大利) sparkling
Scioltamente-(意大利) freely, loosely
Sciolto-(意大利) freely, loosely
Scivolando-(意大利) glissando
Scoop-to slide up to pitch from slightly below it
Scordato-(意大利) to tune a stringed instrument in a non-standard manner
Scordatura-(意大利) to tune a stringed instrument in a non-standard manner
Score-a representation on the page of a whole musical work
Scorrendo-(意大利) glissando, in a flowing manner
Scorrevole-(意大利) glissando, in a flowing manner
Scotch snap-a rhythmic figure consisting of a short note on the beat followed by a long note which is then held until the next beat
Scozzese-(意大利) Scottish
Scroll-carving normally found on the violin and related stringed instruments, at the end of the neck just above the pegbox
Scucito-(意大利) disconnected
Sdegnante-(意大利) disdaining
Sdegnosamente-(意大利) disdainfully
Sdegno-(意大利) disdain
Sdegnoso-(意大利) disdainful
Sdrucciolando-(意大利) glissando
Se-(意大利) if, in case, as
Se-(Chinese) a Chinese zither
Sean nos-(Gaelic) unaccompanied song
Sec-(法) dry, crisp; similar to staccato; to play in a plain unornamented way
Seche-(法) dry, crisp; similar to staccato; to play in a plain unornamented way
Secheresse-(法) dryness
Secco-(意大利) staccato
Secco recitative-accompanied by continuo instrument(s) rather than by an entire orchestra
Sechs-(德) six
Sechzehntel-(德) a sixteenth note
Sechzehntelnote-(德) a sixteenth note
Sechzehntelpause-(德) a sixteenth rest
Second-the smallest non-unison interval
Seconda -(意大利) second
Secondary dominant-the dominant of the dominant
Seconda volta-(意大利) second ending
Seconde-(意大利) second
Secondi-(意大利) second
Secondo-(意大利) second
Secular music-compositions that have no connection with religion
Secundal chords-chords built of seconds
Seele-(德) feeling
Segno-(意大利) sign
Segue-(意大利) now follows, go on with what follows
Seguente-(意大利) following
Seguendo-(意大利) following
Seguidilla-old Spanish dance in simple triple time
Sehnsucht-(德) longing
Sehr-(德) very, much
Sei-(意大利) six
Seite-(德) side
Seizieme de soupir-(法) a sixty-fourth rest
Semibiscroma-(意大利) a sixty-fourth rest
Semibreve-a whole note
Semibreve rest-a whole rest
Semicroma-(意大利) a sixteenth note
Semidemisemiquaver-sixty-fourth note
Semifusa-(拉丁) sixteenth note
Semiminima-(意大利) quarter note
Semiquaver-a sixteenth note
Semiquaver rest-a sixteenth rest
Semitone-half the interval of a tone
Semplice-(意大利) simple
Semplicita-(意大利) simplicity
Semplicemente-(意大利) simply
Semplicissimo-(意大利) extremely simple
Sempre-(意大利) always
Sensibile-(意大利) sensitive
Sensibilita-(意大利) sensitiveness

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
