
Jabo-(Spanish) old triple-time dance
Jacara-(Spanish) old song-dance
Jaleadas-(Spanish) a dance influenced by the cachucha
Jaleo-(Spanish) slow triple-time dance
Jaleos-the shouts of encouragement by the audience to the performers in flamenco performances
Jammernd-(德) lamenting
Jammerlich-(德) lamentable
Jam session-informal performance
Japanese fiddle-a single string instrument seen played by English street performers
Jarabe-traditional Mexican dance form with multiple sections in contrasting meters and tempos, often performed by mariachi ensembles
Jarana-5 to 8 string Mexican guitar from the Jarocho region. Used to perform son jarocho
Jarrah Burl-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Java-a finger pick made from a coconut shell
Jazz-music that originated in New Orleans, characterised by syncopations and reiterated rhythms
Je-(德) always, each, ever
Jedoch-(德) however, nevertheless
Jeel-Egyptian music of the younger generation
Jejy lava-a Malagasy one-string musical bow with a smaller gourd resonator
Jejy voatavo-Malagasy string instrument with two adjacent faces, each with courses of strings, one with frets and one without, mounted on a gourd resonator
Jentile-(意大利) elegant, graceful or pleasing
Jeong-ak-(Korean) classical music
Jibaro-music from the countryside in Puerto Rico
Jitterbug-lively, improvisational, style of dancing performed to syncopated music which originated in 1940's New York
Jondo-a more serious flamenco style
Jondura-a more serious flamenco style
Joropo-national music and dance form of Venezuela. The dancers are accompanied by harp, cuatro, maracas and guitar
Jota-quick dance with hopping steps in triple time from Spain performed by a couple accompanied by a singer who plays the guitar
Jota de la vendimia-wine harvest dance from Ciudad Real, Spain, in which guitar, bandurria and percussion accompany the dancers
Jouer-(法) to play
Jouhikko-bowed lute of Finland and Russian. It has a flat bridge. Drone strings and one melody string are played simultaneously
Joyeuse-(法) joyous
Joyeux-(法) joyous
Juan-hsieng-Taiwanese moon guitar
Jubelnd-(德) jubilant
Jubiloso-(意大利) exulting, jubilant
Jubilus-an elaborate, joyful melisma on the final syllable of the word Alleluia
Jugalbandi-Indian jam session
Juju-popular style from Nigeria relyng on the traditional Yoruba rhythms
Jusqu'a-(法) until
Juste-(法) exact, just
Justesse-(法) exactitude
Just intonation-system of tuning in which the distances between pitches are based on the natural harmonic series instead of the octave being equally divided

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
