
Tidinit-a Saharawi instrument of dug out wood and a leather cover, similar to a four-stringed lute
Tie-a sign that shows that the note being played or sustained, unbroken, throughout the total time value of the notes under the sign
Tief-(德) deep, low
Tiento-a Spanish Renaissance composition
Tientos-flamenco style derived from tangos, although with a slower beat
Tierce-(法) third
Tiger Striped Narra-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Timba songo laye-an Afro-Cuban musical style
Timbral nuances-sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings of the tone quality distinctive of a musical instrument
Timbrer-(法) accented
Time-a word used to mean 'in the rhythm of'
Time Signature A symbol placed at the left side of the staff indicating the meter of the composition.
Timed segments-unmetered music which in measured in minutes and seconds, not beats
Timidezza-(意大利) timidity
Timido-(意大利) timid
Timore-(意大利) fear
Timorosamente-(意大利) fearfully
Timoroso -(意大利) fearful
Timple-a small guitar with 12 metal strings used in Spain, Colombia, Puerto Rico and other Spanish-speaking countries
Tinter-(法) to tinkle
Tintement-(法) tinking
Tintinnare-(意大利) to tinkle
Tinto-(意大利) colour, expression
Tinya-pre-Hispanic Mexican resonating box with 5 strings
Tiompan-Irish hammered dulcimer
Tipico-(Spanish) typical or traditional
Tiple-a small stringed instrument of Spanish origin, derived from the guitar family, It usually has four double or triple sets of strings. (There are eight to twelve strings tuned to four different pitches.), made of wood-usually pine, cedar, or walnut. Tiple players strum chords as rhythmic accompaniments for songs or melodies played by other instruments
Tirana-A Spanish song-dance from Andalusia
Tischharfe-German table zither that can be both plucked and bowed
Titebond-A wood glue often used in guitar construction.
Title of Piece
Tobend-(德) blustering
Tobshuur-Mongolian lute
Tocaor-the Iberian term for a flamenco guitarist
Toccata-a rapid piece of music for keyboard intended as a display for virtuosity; a toccata is often the prelude to a fugue
Toile-(意大利) theatre curtain
Tololoche-Mexican double bass guitar
Tombeau-(法) a piece written in someone's memory
Tome-(法) volume of a set of collected volumes
Ton-(法) pitch, key, note
Ton-(德) pitch, key
Ton aigre-(法) shrill sound
Ton Majeur-(法) major key
Tonabstand-(德) interval
Tonality-the sense of a particular key
Tonante-(意大利) thunderous
Tonart-(德) character of different types of scale, i.e. major, minor, modal, ….
Tonas-one of the oldest flamenco styles, with songs that include long moans and sudden halts, relating the tragedies suffered by the incarceration of the Gypsies, chain gangs
Tondo-(意大利) full-toned
Ton doux-(法) a sweet tone-quality
Tone-a sound of definite pitch; the quality of a sound; the American word for note.
Tone-(德) pitches, keys
Tone poem-symphonic poem
Tonfarbe-(德) tone-colour, timbre
Tonfolge-(德) melody
Tonfulle-(德) volume of tone
Tongeschlecht-(德) major or minor
Tonh??he-(德) pitch
Toni-(意大利) tones, keys, modes
Tonic-first degree of the scale; the key center
Tonic accent-emphasis that may be given to notes where their pitch is high
Tonic chord-the chord based on the tonic of a key or scale
Tonic triad-triad built on the first degree of the scale
Tonitruone-(意大利) a sheet of metal used to simulate the sound of thunder
Tonkunst-(德) musical knowledge
Tonkunsterler-(德) someone possessing musical knowledge
Tonlage-(德) range, compass, register
Tonlehre-(德) acoustics
Tonleiter-(德) scale
Tonlos-(德) toneless
Ton majeur-(法) major key
Tonmalerei-(德) programmed music
Tonmass-(德) time
Tonnerre-(法) thunder
Tono-(意大利) tone, key, mode
Tonreihe-(德) serial music
Tonschlussel-(德) key-note
Tonsetzer-(德) composer
Tonus-(拉丁) mode, Gregorian tone
Tonus contrarius-(拉丁) contrary melody, counterpoint
Tonus peregrinus-(拉丁) wandering note
Top-The soundboard of the guitar. A resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument. The guitar soundboard.
Torch song-a song describing an unrequited love
Tore-a religious rhythm of the Fulni-o Indians in Brazil
Tornada-(Spanish) melody, tune with guitar accompaniment, in a major key and at a slow tempo
Tornadas-(Spanish) melody, tune with guitar accompaniment, in a major key and at a slow tempo
Tornare-(意大利) to return
Tornando-(意大利) returning
Tornavoz-The Tornavoz is a conical tube beneath the soundboard of a guitar that extends toward the back of the guitar. For more on the Tornavoz
Torras-lively dance from the province Ciudad Real, Spain
Torvo-(意大利) grim
Tostissimamente-(意大利) rapidly
Tostissimo-(意大利) very rapid
Tosto-(意大利) rapid
Total serialism-complex, totally controlled music where the twelve-tone principle is extended to elements of music other than pitch, for example, rhythm
Touch-the art of depressing, striking, releasing….
Touche-(法) fingerboard
Toujours-(法) always
Tourney-a musical piece created for a tournament, festive occasions
Tous-(法) all
Tout-(法) all
Tout a coup-(法) suddenly
Tout a fait-(法) completely
Toute-(法) all
Tout ensemble-(法) the whole, the general effect, all together
Toutes-(法) all

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
