
Akkordieren-(德) to tune
A l-(意大利) at the, to the, in the
A l'-(法) to the, at the, on the, with the, in the manner of
A la-(法) to the, at the, on the, with the, in the manner of
Alabanzas-religious praise songs in Spain and Spanish America
A la corde-(法) playing legato
Alalas-(Spanish) traditional Galician folk-song
Alba-troubadour or trouvere song about a lover's morning departure from his beloved after an illicit tryst
Alberti Bass-a simple accompaniment consisting of broken chords, usually 'tonic, dominant, mediant, dominant' in succession
Alborada-(Spanish) morning music, particular of a rough pastoral form
Alborea-(Spanish) gypsy wedding song; a flamenco style
Albumblatt-(德) a page or leaf from a book, or a short, easy piece
Alcatraza-Flirtatious and erotic dance from Peru. It's a couple's dance. Traditionally, the woman has a piece of tissue between her legs while the man dances with a lit candle trying to light the tissue. If the man can light the woman's fire, that means that she is his
Alcun'-(意大利) some
Alcuna-(意大利) some
Alcuno-(意大利) some
Aleatoric-(拉丁) a compositional technique where the choice of pitch, rhythmic value and order of events is left to chance
Aleatory-(拉丁) a compositional technique where the choice of pitch, rhythmic value and order of events is left to chance
Alegrias-a joyful flamenco dance, with twelve beats, from the province of Cadiz
Al fine-(意大利) to the end
All'-(意大利) to the, at the, on the, with the, in the manner of, in the style of
Alla-(意大利) to the, at the, on the, with the, in the manner of, in the style of
Alla breve-cut time; used for quick duple time in which the half note is given one beat instead of two
Alla caccia-(意大利) in the style of a hunting piece
Allant-(法) going on, continuing to get
Allarg.-(意大利) getting slower and slower, with a fuller tone
Allargando-(意大利) getting slower and slower, with a fuller tone
Alla turca-(意大利) in the Turkish style
Alla zingarese-(意大利) in a gypsy style
Alle-(德) all
Alle-(意大利) to the
Allegramente-(意大利) brightly, gaily
Allegrement-(法) brightly, gaily
Allegretto-(意大利) lively but less so than allegro
Allegrissimo-(意大利) very fast tempo marking between presto and vivacissimo
Allegro-(意大利) quick, lively, bright, not as fast as presto
Allegro assai-(意大利) very quick
Allegro giusto-(意大利) quick with precision
Allegro Maestoso-(意大利) quick with precision and dignified
Allegro moderato-(意大利) moderately quick
Allegro non troppo-(意大利) fast, but not too fast
Allein-(德) alone, single
Alleluia-a highly melismatic responsoral chant from the mass; the third element in the Proper of the Roman Catholic Mass
Allemand-(法) a dance of German origin with 4 moderate beats to the bar, although sometimes written as two longer beats in a bar, often the first movement in a suite of dances; in the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century, a quick dance written in triple time, the precursor of the waltz
Allemande-(法) a dance of German origin with 4 moderate beats to the bar, although sometimes written as two longer beats in a bar, often the first movement in a suite of dances; in the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century, a quick dance written in triple time, the precursor of the waltz
Allentamento-(意大利) slowing
Allentando-(意大利) slowing down
Allmahlich-(德) gradually, little by little
Allmahlig-(德) gradually, little by little
Allmalig-(德) gradually, little by little
Allonger-(法) to lengthen the notes, to slow the tempo
Allora-(意大利) then
Allure-(法) manner
Almain-(法) a dance of German origin with 4 moderate beats to the bar, although sometimes written as two longer beats in a bar, often the first movement in a suite of dances; in the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century, a quick dance written in triple time, the precursor of the waltz
Almayne-(法) a dance of German origin with 4 moderate beats to the bar, although sometimes written as two longer beats in a bar, often the first movement in a suite of dances; in the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century, a quick dance written in triple time, the precursor of the waltz
Almand-(法) a dance of German origin with 4 moderate beats to the bar, although sometimes written as two longer beats in a bar, often the first movement in a suite of dances; in the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century, a quick dance written in triple time, the precursor of the waltz
Als-(德) as, like, when, than
Al segno-(意大利) go back to the sign-or go on to the sign
Also-(德) thus
Alt-(意大利) high
Alta-(意大利) high
Al Tedesca-in the German style
Alteration-the raising or lowering of a note by means of an accidental- a double sharp, sharp, double flat, flat or natural sign
Altered chord-a chord in which a note has been changed from its normal position, usually chromatically
Alternative fingering-substitute fingering, often used to provide tonal contrast; also used to make the playing of passage work easier
Alternativo-(意大利) alternating one movement with another
Altissimo-(意大利) very high
Alto Clef
Altra-(意大利) another
Altra volta-(意大利) encore, play it again
Altre-(意大利) another
Altri-(意大利) others
Altro-(意大利) another
Alzata-(意大利) raised, lifted off, unmated
Alzate-(意大利) raised, lifted off, unmated
Alzati-(意大利) raised, lifted off, unmated
Alzato-(意大利) raised, lifted off, unmated
Am-(德) at the, on the, to the, by the, near the
Amabile-(意大利) lovable, sweet
Amabilita-(意大利) lovableness
Amarevole-(意大利) bitterly
Amarezza-(意大利) bitterness
Amazigh-music performed by the Berbers of Northwestern Africa
Amazon Rosewood-A straight grained wood, compares tonally to Brazilian Rosewood though a little heavier and brittle.
Ambiance-sounds in the background arising from the environment
Ambience-sounds in the background arising from the environment
Ambient noise-sounds in the background arising from the environment
Amboyna Burl-A alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Ambrosian chant-purely diatonic series of sacred melodies or chants collected and introduced into the Catholic Church by St. Ambrose (c. 339-397)??me-(法) the sound post of a stringed instrument, the soul
Amen-(希伯来) so be it
Amen Cadence-A chord progression where the subdominant chord is followed by the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, an plagal cadence would be the subdominant f major chord (F A C) moving to the tonic C major chord (C E G).
American Cherry-Tonally American Cherry is compared to other medium-density woods like Walnut and Maple, though some compare it with Mahogany. It has an open quality with nice separation and clear trebles and good presence in the mid-range. It varies from orange to reddish tan in color with a light, open figure that adds depth under finish.
Ametric-without a time signature or meter as in Gregorian chant
Anima-(意大利) the sound post of a stringed instrument, the soul
Amore-(意大利) love, tenderness, affection
Amorevole-(意大利) loving
Amorevolmente-(意大利) lovingly
Amorosamente-(意大利) lovingly
Amoroso-(意大利) loving
Amour-(法) love
Amplitude-the amount of a signal

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
