
Tab-Clef-clef used for tablature
Tablature-a notational system that uses letters, figures and other symbols to indicate how a piece might be performed, for instance by showing the position of a player's fingers on a representation of the strings of a guitar or lute
Table-the belly of a stringed instrument
Table-book-music printed in such a way that the performers could sit around a table and read their own various parts, popular in the Renaissance
Table of Key Signatures
Table of Major and Melodic minor Scales
Tacciono-(意大利) are silent
Tace-(意大利) is silent
Tacere-(意大利) to be silent
Tacet-(拉丁) silent
Taconeo-(Spanish) a stomping dance often performed to flamenco accompaniment
Tafelmusik-(德) table-music, the performance of which might accompany a meal
Tag-jazz term for a coda, or a short concluding section
Tail piece-a piece of metal or wood at the lower end of a stringed instrument to which the strings are attached
Takt-(德) measure, time, beat
Taktart-(德) time-species; duple, triple….
Taktfest-(德) in steady time
Taktieren-(德) to beat time
Taktmassig-(德) tempo commodo
Taktnote-(德) semibreve
Taktpause-(德) a bar's rest
Taktschlag-(德) beat
Taktstrich-(德) bar-line
Taktwechsel-(德) time-change
Taktzeichen-(德) time signature
Takt halten-(德) to hold or beat time
Tam-(Vietnam) a guitar-like instrument with 3 silk strings
Tambotie-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Tambura-Accompanying drone instrument from India, a large lute with 4-6 strings; five-string Egyptian lyre, long-necked fretted lute from Bulgaria, Croatia and other European countries
Tamburitza-Croatian lute
Tambutica-plucked lute from Yugoslavia
Tammorriata-southern Italian traditional songs and dances
Tamunangue, El-an Afro-Venezuelan rural music and dance style
Tamure-new dance form from Micronesia
Tanbur-general term for various long-necked fretted lutes of the Middle East and Central Asia
Taendelnd-(德) playfully
Tandelei-(德) playfulness
Tango-the Argentinean samba, a passionate musical style, originating in the streets and brothels of Buenos Aires, Argentina, marked by strong syncopation and dotted rhythmic figures, in simple duple (2/4) time and, when danced, performed by a couple
Tango flamenco-the only non-dramatic variety of the older flamenco genres, festive in style, with a faster rhythm
Tanguillos-festive and joyful flamenco style derived from tangos
Tanko bushi-Japanese coal miner's dance
Tanpura-a drone instrument, it resembles a sitar except it has no frets. It has four strings tuned to the tonic
Tant-(法) as much, much
Tantino-(意大利) a very little
Tanto-(意大利) so much
Tanz-(德) dance
Tanze-(德) dances
Tap dance-a dance form in which the performer taps out rhythms and patterns with his or her heels and toes while wearing special shoes with small metal plates called taps
Tape loop-a continuous loop of tape which produces an everlasting sound effect when played. Used for any long sound needed without having to continuously repeat a short effect
Tar-a lute-type chordophone that is widespread in the Turkish/Azeri/Persian world and the Caucasus
Tarantas-flamenco style from Almeria
Tarantella-(意大利) a dance in 6/8 time from Southern Italy, which gets faster and faster and is supposed to cure the result of a poisonous bite from the tarantula spider
Tarantelle-(法) a dance in 6/8 time from Southern Italy, which gets faster and faster and is supposed to cure the result of a poisonous bite from the tarantula spider
Tarantos-an eastern Andalusian flamenco style
Tarda-(意大利) slow
Tardamente-(意大利) slowly
Tardantemente-(意大利) gradually slowing
Tardo-(意大利) slow gradually slowed
Tarn thap luc-(Vietnamese '36') Vietnamese version of the hammered dulcimer
Tarrega, Franciso-(1852-1909)
Tartando-(意大利) gradually slowing
Taskiwin-Moroccan warrior's dance
Tasis-(Greek) pitch
Tasto solo-(意大利) a performer's marking indicating that a note should be performed without harmony

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
