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Bar-a vertical line used to metrically divide music into groups of beats Barbat-Persian ud Barber-shop harmony-a popular, banal style of close harmony singing, originally all male, begun in the US in the late nineteenth-century Barcarola-(意大利) -a song or instrumental piece associated with boats and boating generally in compound duple (6/8) or compound quadruple (12/8) Barcarolle-(法)-a song or instrumental piece associated with boats and boating generally in compound duple (6/8) or compound quadruple (12/8) Barcaruola-(意大利)-a song or instrumental piece associated with boats and boating generally in compound duple (6/8) or compound quadruple (12/8) Bariolage-(法) rapid alternation of open and stopped strings on the violin Baritone Clef Barkarole-(德) a song or instrumental piece associated with boats and boating generally in compound duple (6/8) or compound quadruple (12/8) Barline-a vertical line drawn across the staff to mark off measures of a particular length, containing a number of notes whose total time value is set by the time signature Barn dances-barn dances are the product of the colonial United States of America. Early Americans recreated them from England's country dances. They were performed in halls and barns as get-togethers among North America's first social gatherings Barocco-(意大利) bizarre, a very clearly definable type or genre of European music from the period c. 1580 to c. 1730 Barok-(德)-bizarre, a very clearly definable type or genre of European music from the period c. 1580 to c. 1730 Baroque-(法) bizarre, a very clearly definable type or genre of European music from the period c. 1580 to c. 1730 Baroque dance-the baroque style of dance evolved during the middle of the seventeenth-century Baroque guitar-an early form of the modern guitar, normally double strung with five courses unlike the six single strings on the modern instrument Barre-(法) a device that clamps to the neck of a plucked string instrument and which change its tuning by shortening the sounding length of every string Barrios Mangore, Agustin-(1885-1944) Basese-popular Malagasy dance rhythm from Diego Suarez Bas instruments-soft instruments suitable for chamber music Baskiche Tanze-(德) Basque dance Basques-a term applied to rhythmically complex dance music of Basque origin Bass Strings The wound strings on a guitar. The fourth, fifth, & sixth strings. Bass bar-a strip of wood glued under the belly of a sound board to support one foot of the bridge and to improve the instrument's bass frequency resonant response Bass fiddle-double bass Bassa-(意大利) low, deep, bass Basse-(法) bass Basse dance-a very early dance type, in which the feet are kept close to the ground Bassi-(意大利) low, deep, basses Basso-(意大利) low, deep, bass Basso continuo-figured bass Bassoon a serpentine-(法) racket Basso ostinato-ground bass, a pattern repeated several times over in the bass line to accompany one or more ever-varying upper parts Bass-saite-(德) the bottom string on a bowed or plucked instrument Bassus-the lowest part in a polyphonic composition Battaglia-(意大利) a piece suggesting a battle Battre-(法) to beat time Battuta-(意大利) a beat; a bar or measure Battuta, A-(意大利) a tempo, return to the original speed Batucada-Afro-Brazilian jam sessions Batuque-Afro-Brazilian jam sessions Bayle-(Spanish) dance or ballet; flamenco dance B.B.C.-British Broadcasting Corporation Be-(德) the flat sign Beam-A part of a note. Beam Grouping-Notes beamed in groups in a manor to distinguish the beats in a measure. Bearbeit-(德) arranged Bearbitung-(德) arrangement Bearclaw-A wood grain pattern. Like it sounds, it looks like a bear used a tree to sharpen its claws and left nonsymmetrical small waves in the grain. Once considered inferior because of appearance, it's now sought after because of its increase in density. Bearclaw tops have become popular on bluegrass guitars and may be seen as an alternative in Classical Guitar construction. Beat-rhythmic pulse in a piece of music; a throbbing or undulating effect taking place in rapid succession when two notes not quite of the same pitch are sounded together Beaucoup-(法) much Bebend-(德) trembling, tremolo Bebop-a complex 1940's jazz style, characterized by very fast or very slow tempos with improvised lines of notes, irregular accents, and extended harmony, the patterns often ending with an abrupt two-note figure that sounded like be-bop Becarre-(法) the natural sign Becuadro-(Spanish) natural sign Bedachtig-(德) careful Bedarfsfall, Im-(德) in case of need Bedautend-(德) considerable Begeistert-(德) inspired, enthused Begeisterung-(德) inspiration, exaltation Begleiten-(德) to accompany Begleitung-(德) accompaniment Begleitend-(德) accompanying Behaglich-(德) agreeably Behend-(德) nimbly Behendigkeit-(德) nimbleness Beherzt-(德) courageous Behind the beat-when a performer deliberately sounds the notes slightly after the beat set by the ensemble Beide-(德) both Beinahe-(德) almost Beispiel-(德) example Beisser-(德) mordant Beklemmt-(德) oppressed Beklommen-(德) oppressed Belebend-(德) animating Belebt-(德) animated Belebter-(德) more animated Beleiben, Nach-(德) at will, at your pleasure, ad lib Beleibig-(德) optional Bellicosamente-(意大利) warlike Bellicoso-(意大利) warlike Belly-the upper surface of a stringed instrument on which the bridge rests, also called the table Belustigend-(德) amusing Bemol-(法)-a sign which lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone Bemol-(Spanish) a sign which lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone Bemolle-(意大利) a sign which lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone Bend-a change in the pitch of a note for expressive purposes, so named because on the guitar the effect is produced, literally, by bending the string Ben-(意大利) well, much Ben marcato-(意大利) well marked, accented Ben tenuto-(意大利) well held Bene-(意大利) well, much Benedictus-the second part of the Sanctus of the Mass Beneplacimento-(意大利) when preceded by A suo the phrase means ad lib Beneplacito-(意大利) when preceded by A suo the phrase means ad lib Benga-Kenyan Luo pop music Bent Sides-The sides of a guitar so named because they are bent to shape. 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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