
f-forte, loud
F clef-a clef sign that shows the position of F on the staff
Faburden-(英) a part added to a melody that move at the same rate, a drone bass
Fach-(德) fold
Facile-(法) easy
Facilement-(法) easily
Facilmente-(意大利) easily
Facilita-(意大利) ease, simplification
Fackeltanz-(德) a torch dance
Fadding-an Irish dance of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century
Fading-an Irish dance of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century
Fadinho-a type of Portuguese song and dance to guitar accompaniment
Fado-a type of Portuguese song and dance to guitar accompaniment
Fahnchen-(德) the flag attached to the tail of a note to show its length
Fahren-(德) to go
Faible-(法) feeble, weak in tone
Faire-(法) to do, to make
Faites-(法) do, make
Fall-(Old English) cadence
Fall-(德) case
Fall off-a descending glissando that falls from the end of a note
Falle-(德) case
False cadence-deceptive cadence
False fingering-different combinations of fingering that produce the same pitch, used to make tonal contrast, or make the playing of passage work easier
Falsetas-the melody played on a guitar
Falsobordone-(意大利) a part added to a melody that move at the same rate, a drone bass
Family-instruments with a common characteristic
Fan Bracing-Generally made of spruce, braces add stiffness to the top of a classical guitar. The wood chosen is very straight grained running the length of the brace. The fan describes the pattern in which the braces lay.
Fantasia-(意大利) a piece with an improvisatory feel to it
Fantasie-(意大利) a piece with an improvisatory feel to it
Fantasiestuck-(德) a short piece not unlike a capriccio or intermezzo
Fantastico-(意大利) capricious, fantastic, whimsical
Fantasque-(法) capricious, fantastic, whimsical
Fantastisch-(德) capricious, fantastic, whimsical
Fantasy-a piece with an improvisatory feel to it
Farandole-a lively dance in compound duple time
Farruca-a Spanish gypsy dance for men, in 2/4 time
Farsa-(意大利) farce
Fassung-(德) version
Fast-(德) almost
Fastoso-(意大利) pompous
Fastosamente-(意大利) pompously
Fausset-(法) falsetto
Fauxbourdon-(法) a part added to a melody that move at the same rate, a drone bass
F clef-a clef sign that shows the position of F on the staff
Feierlich-(德) solemn, rejoicing
Feis-(Gaelic) festival
Felice-(意大利) happy
Fermamente-(意大利) firmly
Fermata-(意大利) musical symbol placed over a note or rest to be extended beyond its normal duration
Fermate-(德) musical symbol placed over a note or rest to be extended beyond its normal duration
Fermato-(意大利) perform a certain passage firmly, steadily, or resolutely
Fermer-(法) to close, to close off
Fernando Carulli-(1770-1841)
Fernando Sor-(1778-1839)
Ferne-(德) distance
Feroce-(意大利) ferocious
Ferocita-(意大利) ferocity
Fertig-(德) dexterous, fluent, ready
Fest-(德) festival
Festa-(意大利) festive
Festival-a series of concerts at a single venue
Festivamente-(意大利) festively
Festivo-(意大利) festive
Festevole-(意大利) merry
Festevolmente-(意大利) merrily
Festlich-(德) festive
Festoso-(意大利) festive
Feuer-(德) fire
Feurig-(德) fiery
ff-(意大利) abbreviation for fortissimo
fff-(意大利) abbreviation for fortississimo
ffff-(意大利) abbreviation for fortissississimo
fffff -(意大利) abbreviation for fortississississimo
Fiacco-(意大利) tired out, weak
Fiata-(意大利) time
Fiate-(意大利) times
Fiato-(意大利) breath
Fier-(法) proud
Fiere-(法) proud
Fierte-(法) boldness of touch, pride
Fierezza-(意大利) boldness of touch

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
