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i -Index finger of the right hand I-(意大利) the I, II, III, IV, V, VI…… A single finger holding multiple strings on a stringed instrument at the same time. /Symbol used in standard notation for guitar. Roman numeral indicates which fret. Example: B7 (C7, CVII, VII) Iambic-a poetic and musical foot consisting of two syllables, the first short, the second long Ichigenkin-smallest of the Japanese kotos, it has one string stretched over a slender plank of wood acting as a soundboard Ictus-the accent resulting from the transients produced at the instant of plucking a string Idee fixe-(法) a recurring theme, with or without variations, that appears throughout a composition Idem a note ornament Idyll-a musical composition of peaceful pastoral character Il-(意大利) the Il faut-(法) there is needed, there are needed Illustrative music-music that evokes a idea, mood or experience Il pin-(意大利) the most Im Bedarfsfalle-(德) in case of need Im Falle-(德) in case Imbongi-Zulu musician storytellers Imbuya-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Imitando-(意大利) imitating Imitation-the repetition of a phrase, usually at a different pitch Imitative-the repetition of a phrase, usually at a different pitch Immer-(德) always, ever, still Impair-(法) odd Impaziente-(意大利) impatient, hurried Impazientemente-(意大利) impatiently, hurriedly Imperfect Cadence Half Cadence.-A chord progression where the dominant chord is the final chord of the cadence and is preceded by the tonic chord in second inversion. This pattern produces two chords with the same bass note. In the tonality of C major, a half cadence would be the tonic chord in second inversion C major chord (G C E) moving to the dominant G major chord (G B D). Imperioso-(意大利) imperious, pompous Impeto-(意大利) impetus, impetuosity Impetueux-(法) impetuous Impetuosita-(意大利) impetuosity Impetuosamente-(意大利) impetuously Impetuoso-(意大利) impetuous Imponente-(意大利) imposing in style, haughtily Imponierend-(德) imposing in style, haughtily Imponenza-(意大利) an imposing style, haughty Impressionism-gives an impression of an experience Impromptu-instrumental piece giving the impression of having been improvised Improvisation-compose or perform In alt-high In altissimo-highest Incalcando-(意大利) getting louder and faster Incalzando-(意大利) hastening, pressing forward Incidental music-music composed for the production of a predominantly spoken play Incipit-the first line, or first few works, of a work, often used to identify it Inciso-(意大利) incisive Incominciando-(意大利) commencing Inconsolato-(意大利) in a mournful style Indebolendo-(意大利) becoming weaker Indeciso-(意大利) capricious, undecided Indeterminacy-where the composer leaves sections or elements in a performance to the discretion of the performer Indicato-(意大利) prominent Infra-(意大利) below Infinite canon-a round, a canon which can go on forever Inflection-any change or modification of pitch or note Infra-(意大利) below Infrasonic-generating or using waves or vibrations with frequencies below that of audible sound Inglese-(意大利) English In modo di-(意大利) in the style or manner of Inharmonic-containing frequencies that are not whole-number multiples of the fundamental Innig-(德) heartfelt, intimate Inno-(意大利) Hymn Innocenza-(意大利) innocence Inquiet-(法) restless Inquieto-(意大利) restless Insensible-imperceptible Insieme-(意大利) ensemble, together Instandig-(德) urgent Instante-(意大利) urgent Instanteniente-(意大利) urgently Instrumental-describes music written for instruments but not for the voice Instrumentation-the disposition of instruments in a musical work, which instruments plays what lines in the score Instruments-devices used to create music Interlude-a short piece played between two larger ones Intermede-(法) a smaller piece placed between others Intermedio-(意大利) short, musical, dramatic items performed between acts of a theatrical performance Intermedium-a smaller piece placed between others Intermezzo-(意大利) a smaller piece placed between others Interpolation-the lengthening of the repetition of a phrase by the insertion of material not heard in the original phrase Interpretation-how a performer will present the material to the listeners. Interrupted Cadence-Deceptive Cadence.-A chord progression where the dominant chord is followed by a chord other than the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, a deceptive cadence could be the dominant G major chord (G B D) moving to the subdominant A minor chord (A C E). Interval-the distance between two pitches Intime-(法) intimate Intimo-(意大利) intimate Intonation-the degree to which the pitch of a note heard is what is correct but not to the degree that the note heard is the wrong note Intoning-chanting on a single note Intrada-(意大利) entree Intrepidamente-(意大利) boldly Intrepidezza-(意大利) boldness Intrepido-(意大利) bold Intro-opening bars of a piece of music played before the main theme Introduction-the opening part of a piece of music Introduzione-(意大利) introduction Inversion-where the notes in a chord or triad do not follow their standard order Invertible counterpoint-counterpoint in which two or more voices can be interchanged Irato-(意大利) angrily Ironicamente-(意大利) ironically Ironico-(意大利) ironic Irresulto-(意大利) undecided in style Islancio-(意大利) impetuosity Isomelos-in which a figure is repeated using the same notes but employing a different rhythm Isometric-where the rhythm in each part exactly matches that of others Isorhythm-repeated rhythmic pattern set against a pattern of notes or pitches Istesso-(意大利) same Istesso tempo-(意大利) the same speed Italian overture-a work for orchestra Italian sixth chord-an augmented sixth chord, which contains only three tones Iworo-leg rattles worn by dancers 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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