
Space-interval between the lines on the staff where each line and each space indicate a different pitch
Spalted Tamarind-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Spandendo-(意大利) expanding, getting more powerful
Spanish Cypress Also known as Mediterranean Cypress, it was originally introduced into Spain from Asia Minor centuries ago. Most flamenco makers prefer this traditional wood, but it's becoming scarce and expensive. It has a creamy-yellowish color with occasional strong growth lines.
Sparta-(意大利) score
Spartita -(意大利) score
Spartito-(意大利) score
Sparto-(意大利) score
Spass-(德) joke
Spasshaft -(德) jocular
Sp??ter-(德) later
Spediendo-(意大利) speeding, hurrying
Sperdendosi-(意大利) fading away
Spianata-(意大利) level, smoothed, even
Spianato-(意大利) level, smoothed, even
Spiccato-(意大利) separated, detached; a form of staccato bowing in which the bow is bounced on the string while the bow-stroke is restricted to the tip to produce rapid notes
Spiegando-(意大利) becoming louder
Spiel-(德) play
Spielen-(德) to play
Spielend-(德) playing, playful
Spill-in jazz, a descending glissando that falls from the end of a note
Spinnlied-(德) spinning song
Spinto-(意大利) pushed, urged on
Spiritual-a folksong with religious overtones associated with the American negro, hence its alternative name, negro spiritual
Spirante-(意大利) dying away
Spirito-(意大利) spirit, vigor
Spiritoso-(意大利) spirited
Spiritosamente-(意大利) spriritedly
Spitzig-(德) pointed, cutting
Split note chords-a chord in which one or more chord members are 'split' by adding a note a minor second away
Spottisch-(德) mocking
Sprezzatura-a free style of musical performance that ignored strict tempo and rhythm
Springar-Swedish and Norwegian dance for two people
Springdans-Swedish and Norwegian dance in simple triple time
Springend-(德) springing, bouncing
Springer-an ornament consisting of the main note followed by the note above it followed by the note above that, then returning to the original main note
Square dance-a form of American dance, from folk genres and played on a fiddle, piano, guitar or banjo, usually performed by four couples facing each other, arranged in a square
Squillante-(意大利) clear, ringing, sounding
Squillanti-(意大利) clear, ringing, sounding
Stabile-(意大利) steady, firm
Staccatissimo-(意大利) an extreme form of staccato, often taken to indicate that one should shorten the note thus marked to one quarter of its written length, the remaining three-quarters replaced with silence
Staccato-(意大利) a dot above the note indicating that the note thus marked should be shortened to half its written length, the second half replaced with silence
Staff-a framework of five lines on which musical notation is written.
Staker-(德) stronger or louder
Stanchezza-(意大利) wearily, in a weary manner
Standchen-(德) serenade
Standhaft-(德) firm
Standhaftigkeit-(德) firmness
Stark-(德) strong or loud
Statt-(德) instead of
Steea-(意大利) same
Steel Wool Fine fibers of steel matted or woven together to form an abrasive for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing.
Steg-(德) bridge
Stelle-(德) place
Stellen-(德) places
Stendendo-(意大利) rallentando
Stentando-(意大利) to play in a laborious manner, heavily and slightly slowing
Stentare-(意大利) to play in a laborious manner, heavily and slightly slowing
Stentato-(意大利) forced, loud, stentorian
Step-an interval of a second
Sterbend-(德) dying away
Stesse-(意大利) same
Stessi-(意大利) same
Steso-(意大利) slow
Stesso-(意大利) same
Stets-(德) steadily, always
Stev-Norwegian short songs
Stile-(意大利) style
Still-(德) quiet, calm
Stimmen-(德) to tune
Stimmgabel-(德) tuning fork
Stimmung-(德) tuning, mood
Stinguendo-(意大利) fading away
Stiracchiando-(意大利) ritardando
Stiracchiato-(意大利) ritardando
Stirando-(意大利) ritardando
Stirato-(意大利) ritardando
Stock arrangement-the standard score of the work in contrast to an arrangement that has been produced especially for one particular band or ensemble
Stockend-(德) slackening the time gradually
Stomp-a lively, rhythmic jazz marked by a heavy beat
Stornello-a Tuscan folk-song
Stracciacalando-(意大利) prattling
Straccinato-(意大利) ritardando
Straff-(德) strict
Straffando-(意大利) throwing off
Straffato-(意大利) thrown off
Straffer-(德) stricter
Straight Grained-A piece of wood with grain that runs parallel.
Strain-a series of contrasting sections found in rags and marches, often in duple meter with sixteen-measure themes or sections
Strascicando-(意大利) heavy slurring
Strascinando-(意大利) heavy slurring
Strascinato-(意大利) heavy slurring

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
