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So-(德) as, so Soave-(意大利) lightly played Soavemente-(意大利) suavely Soavita-(意大利) lightly played Sob-an ornament used in lute playing, where the left hand pressure on the string follows the plucking of the string, to create a sob-like effect on the sound of the note Sobald-(德) so soon as, should Soca-a musical style from Trinidad and Tobago, The bands usually feature a drummer, bass player, guitar and horns Sociology of music-an area of study that examines the effects, now and in the past, that music has upon society and similarly the effect that society has upon music Soeben-(德) just, barely, a moment ago Sofort-(德) immediately Soggetto-(意大利) subject Sogleich-(德) immediately Sola-(意大利) solo Soldatenzug-(德) soldier's procession Soldatenmarsch-(德) soldier's march Soleares-a flamenco singing style in triple time Solemnis-(拉丁) solemn Solennis-(拉丁) solemn Soleariya-a flamenco solea with three verses Solenne-(意大利) solemn Solennemente-(意大利) solemnly Solennel-(法) solemn Solennelle-(法) solemn Solennellement-(法) solemnly Solennita-(意大利) solemnity Soli-(意大利) alone Solito-(意大利) usual Sollecitando-(意大利) hastening forward Sollecito-(意大利) eager Solo-a part for one player with or without accompanying instruments Soloist-the player who performs the solo part Solo part-a part for one player with or without accompanying instruments Soltanto-(意大利) solely Sombre-(法) dark, melancholy Sommesso-(意大利) subdued Somma-(意大利) utmost Sommo-(意大利) utmost Son-(法) sound Sons-(法) sounds Sonabile-(意大利) resonant, full toned Sonare-(意大利) to sound, to play, to resonate Sonata-an extended piece in several movements for a number of instrumental soloists, most commonly one, with instrumental accompaniment Sonata cycle-the multi-movement structure found in sonatas Sonata da chiesa-(意大利) usually a trio-sonata with four movements, slow-quick-slow-quick Sonata-rondo-a musical work that combines sonata and rondo forms Sonate-(德) sonata Sonevole-(意大利) sonorous, resonant Song cycle-a group of songs performed in an order establishing a musical continuity related to some underlying theme Song without words-a piece for solo piano Son montuno-with richer rhythm Sonnerie-(法) sounding Sono-(意大利) sound Sonore-(法) sonorous Sonoramente-(意大利) sonorously Sonorita-(意大利) sonority Sonorite-(法) sonority Sonoro-(意大利) sonorous Sons etouffes-(法) damped sound Sopra-(意大利) on, above Soprano Clef Sordamente-(意大利) softly, gently Sordina-(意大利) mute Sordino-(意大利) mute Sor, Fernando-(1778-1839) Sorgfalt-(德) care Sortie-(法) exit, departure Sostenendo-(意大利) sustaining Sostenente-(意大利) sustained Sostenido-(Spanish) sharp sign Sostenuto-(意大利) sustained Sotto voce-(意大利) in lowered tones, softly Soudainement-(法) suddenly Sound board-a wooden board in a stringed instrument that enhances its resonance Sound box-hollow box shaped resonator, one face of which is the soundboard, that enhances its volume and tone of a stringed instrument Sound check-a thorough test of the sound system before a performance Sound Hole-A hole in the soundboard of a stringed instrument that enhances its volume and tone. A vibrating guitar top creates sound. The air displacement, through the Sound Hole, is what amplifies the sound. Making the hole too small reduces the displacement and lowers volume. A too large of a hole reduces velocity and in turn also loses volume. The ideal size of Sound Hole can vary with the size of the sound chamber. Soundboard-Resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument. The guitar top. Sound reinforcement-Amplifying an instrument just enough so that it can be heard, without the audience being aware that it is being amplified Soundtrack-a strip along the side of a film that contains optical coding for sound Soupir-French) a quarter-rest Soupirant-(法) sighing Souple-(法) flexible, supple Sourd-(法) muffled Sourde-(法) muffled Sourdine-(法) mute Sous-(法) under Sousedska-a slow Bohemian peasant dance in simple triple time Soutenu-(法) sustained 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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