
Doloroso-(意大利) painful
Dominant-the fifth degree of the diatonic scale
Domra-a central Asian or Russian plucked string instrument with a convex back and three strings, like a mandolin
Dona nobis pacem-(拉丁) the closing movement in the Mass
Dopo-(意大利) after, afterward
Doppel-(德) double
Doppel B-(德) double flat sign
Doppel-be-(德) double flat sign
Doppelganz-(德) double whole note
Doppelganznote-(德) double whole note
Doppelganze-(德) double whole rest
Doppelgriffe-(德) double stop, a technique of playing two separate notes simultaneously by using two separate strings on a stringed instrument
Doppelkreuz-(德) double sharp sign
Doppeln-(德) to double
Doppelt-Cadence a note ornament
Doppelt-Cadence und Mordant a note ornament
Doppeltaktnote-(德) double whole note
Doppelt so schnell-(德) twice as fast
Doppio-(意大利) double
Doppio bemolle-(意大利) double flat sign
Doppio diesis-(意大利) double sharp sign
Doppio movimento-(意大利) twice as fast
Doshpuluur-two or three string banjo-like plucked instrument
Dot-placed above or below the notehead it indicates a staccato, placed immediately after a note it indicates that the note should be extended by half as much again as its principal time value a note with two dots following it, indicates that the note should be extended by a further quarter of its principal time value
Dotar-a two stringed version of the ektar
Double-(法) variation
Double bar-a pair of vertical lines at the end of a section of a work
Double-bemol-(法) double flat sign
Double concerto-a concerto for two solo instruments and orchestra
Double counterpoint-a method of counterpoint in which a second melody is added to an existing melody
Double-croche-(法) sixteenth note
Double-diese-(法) double sharp sign
Double exposition-in a concerto, when the theme is stated twice, once by the orchestra and once by the soloist
Double flat-the sign that lowers a note by two semitones
Double fugue-a fugue which has two separate subjects
Double-pause-(法) double whole rest
Double quartet-a work written for eight players
Double-ronde-(法) double whole note
Double sharp-the sign that raises a note by two semitones
Double stem-when two voices or parts are written on the same staff and play the same note
Double stopping-a string-instrument technique in which the player, placing two fingers on adjacent strings and playing two strings simultaneously
Double-time-in jazz, packing twice as many notes in a measure as were there in the preceding measures so that the tempo appears to gain a great deal of momentum but the chord progressions played by the rhythm section remain the same
Double whole note-a Breve
Doubling-where two instruments play the same part in ensemble playing
Doubly augmented sixth chord-an augmented sixth chord, which contains a sharpened second from the tonic
Douce-(法) gentle, soft, sweet
Doux-(法) gentle, soft, sweet
Doucement-(法) gently, softly, sweetly
Douleur-(法) sadness
Douloureux-(法) sadness
Douloureuse-(法) sad
Douloureusement-(法) sadly
Dovetail Joint -A joint that connects the neck to the body of a guitar. It holds well and can be detached during future guitar repairs.
Down-beat-the motion of a conductor's hand or baton to mark the stronger beats in the bar
Drammatico-(意大利) dramatic
Dr??ngend-(德) hurrying, urging forward
Drei-(德) three
Dressing Frets-A procedure of reshaping the frets on a guitar to improve balance, tone, clarity, & sustain.
Dringend-(德) pressing on, urgent
Dritte-(德) third
Driving-where music is performed with a strong forward motion as the energy intensifies
Drohend-(德) threatening
Droit-(法) right
Droite-(法) right
Droits d'execution-(法) Performing Rights
Drone-a note fixed in pitch held throughout the performance of a melody
D.S.-(意大利) Dal segno; from the sign
Du-(法) of the
Dubbing-putting all the elements of sound, dialogue, sound effects and music, onto one soundtrack
Duende-a person with a sense of flamenco in their artistic soul
Due-(意大利) two
Duet-a piece of music for two players
Duettino-a little duet
Duftig-(德) misty
Dumka-a Slavonic folk ballad, alternately slow and quick, often in a minor key
Dumpf-(德) dull, muted
Dunkel-(德) dark
Dunkler-(德) darker
Dumbra-lute of the Tartar people
Dump-slow, melancholy old English dance usually in 4/4 time
Dumpe-slow, melancholy old English dance usually in 4/4 time
Duo-(意大利) duet
Duo-(法) duet
Duolo-(意大利) grief
Duple meter-a time signature, with an even number of beats- 2/2, 4/2, 6/8…
Duplet-a pair of notes, or a note and a rest, having the time usually given to three
Duple time-a time signature, with an even number of beats- 2/2, 4/2, 6/8…
Duplication-where two instruments play the same part in ensemble playing
Dur-(德) major, in the sense of major key
Duramente-(意大利) hardness, harshness, sternness
Duration-the length of time that a note is sounded, or rest is held
Duration Markings-Symbol used for length of time something is held.
Durch-(德) through
Durchaus-(德) throughout
Durchdringend-(德) penetrating
Durchfuhrung-(德) development
Durchgangsnote-(德) passing note
Durchkomponiert-(德)-applied to songs which use a new melody for each verse rather than a single melody throughout
Durchweg-(德) altogether, generally, nearly always, throughout
Durete-(法) hardness, severity
Durezza-(意大利) hardness, severity
Duro-(意大利) firm, hard
Dur Ton-(德) major key
Dur Tonart-(德) major key
Duster-(德) somber
Dutar-a 14-stringed Afghan plucked lute, with a long neck, from the Herat region
Du wah-with the first note muted and the second note unmated
Dux-(拉丁) used in fugues or canons to signify the first entering part
Dyad-a term applied to two notes, in the same way that a triad is a term applied to three notes
Dynamic mark-mark indicating that the dynamic level of a piece should gradually or suddenly change
Dynamics-varying degrees of loudness or softness

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
