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G clef-a clef sign that shows the position of G on the staff G String The third string of the guitar. Gafieira-Brazilian ballroom dance music popular in Rio de Janeiro Gagliard-(意大利) galliard Gai-(法) gay Gaia-(意大利) gaily Gaiamente-(意大利) cheerfully Gaiment-(法) gaily Gaillard-a simple triple time dance usually popular in the 16th and 17th centuries Gaite-(法) gaity Galan-(德) gallant, gallantly Galamment-(法) boldly, gallantly Galant-(法) bold, gallant Galante-(意大利) bold, gallant Galantemente-(意大利) boldly, gallantly Galliard-(英) lively dance originating from the fifteenth-century, generally in triple time Galliarde-(法) lively dance originating from the fifteenth-century, generally in triple time Galop-a lively nineteenth-century round dance in simple duple time Galopade-a lively nineteenth-century round dance in simple duple time Gamme-(法) the musical scale Gammaldans-(Swedish) old dance Gamut-from the lowest to the highest Ganz-(德) quite, whole Ganze-(德) whole note Ganze Note-(德) whole note Ganzetaknote-(德) whole note Ganze Pause -(德) whole rest Gaohu-a Chinese bowed lute developed for Cantonese music in the 1920s Garbo-(意大利) grace, manners Garbatamente-(意大利) elegantly Garbatezza-(意大利) gracefulness Garbatissimo-(意大利) very graceful Garbato-(意大利) gracefulness Garder-(法) to keep, to hold Gauche-(法) left Gaudioso-(意大利) in a joyful or merry manner Gavotte-a dance in simple quadruple time Gayageum-(Korean) a twelve-string zither G clef-a clef sign that shows the position of G on the staff Gears-Toothed machine part that meshes with another toothed part to change direction on a guitar tuner. Gebet-(德) prayer Gebrauch-(德) use Gebrochen-(德) broken Gebunden-(德) slurred, tied Gedampft-(德) damped, muffled, muted Gedehnt-(德) sustained Gefallen-(德) pleasure Gefallig-(德) agreeable, cheery, effortless, pleasant Gefuhl-(德) feeling Gegen-(德) about, against, counter, near, towards Gehalten-(德) sustained Gehaucht-(德) whispered Geheimnisvoll-(德) mysterious Gehend-(德) walking pace Gehorig-(德) fitting, proper, suitable Geist-(德) soul, spirit Geistlich-(德) spiritual Geistvoll-(德) spiritedly and full sounding Gekneipt-(德) pizzicato Gelaufig-(德) fluent, nimble Gelaufigkeit-(德) fluency Gemachlich-(德) leisurely, unhurried Gemassigt-(德) moderate tempo Gemenbondo-(意大利) moaning Gemendo-(意大利) moaning Gemessen-(德) grave, measured, moderate tempo, precise, sustained tempo Gemut-(德) feeling Gemuth-(德) feeling Gemutlich-(德) comfortable, easy-going Gennant-(德) called, known as Genau-(德) exact Genauigkeit-(德) exactitude General MIDI-set of requirements for MIDI devices aimed at ensuring consistent playback performance on all instruments bearing the GM logo General pause-complete silence, normally lasting at least one bar Generoso-(意大利) generous Genre-(法) manner, style Gentil-(法) gentle, pleasant, pretty Gentile-(意大利) delicate, elegant, gentle Gentilemente-(意大利) delicately, gently Gentille-(法) gentle, pleasant, pretty German sixth chord-an augmented sixth chord, which contains a flat third from the tonic Geruhrt-(德) emotionally moved Gesangvoll-(德) song-like Geschlagen-(德) struck Geschleift-(德) legato Geschlossen-(德) closed Geschmack-(德) taste Geschmackvoll-(德) tastefully Geschwind-(德) quick Gesprochen-(德) spoken Gesteigert-(德) crescendo Gestossen-(德) staccato Gesture-musical content that indicates intention Getchu vadyam-hammered lute, in deep south of India, struck with two small bamboo mallets. Geteilt-(德) divided Getheilt-(德) divided Getragen-(德) sustained 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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