
Detune-to change the pitch of one oscillator relative to another, producing a fuller sound
Deutlich-(德) distinct
Deutsch-(德) German
Deux-(法) two
Deuxieme-(法) second
Deux temps-(法) in 2/2 time, in a tempo where there are two dance steps to a bar whatever the time signature
Development-a musical form during which thematic material, introduced earlier, is greatly extended
Devoto-(意大利) devout, with devotion
Devozione-(意大利) devotion
Dhimotika-general term for Greek folk music
Dhun-a short piece in the style of Indian folk music
Di-(意大利) by, from, of
Diabolus in musica-the tritone, diminished fifth or augmented fourth
Diapason normal-(法) standard pitch
Diapente-(Greek) the interval of a fifth
Diastema-(Greek) a musical interval
Diastematic-notation that indicates the pitch of a note by its vertical placing on the page
Diatonic-notes that occur naturally in a scale, without being modified by accidentals other than those in the relevant key signature
Diatonic interval-the interval between any two notes that both appear in the major or minor scales of the prevailing keynote
Diatonic scale-any scale of the major, natural minor, melodic minor or harmonic minor scales based on a particular key note
Dichtung-(德) poem
Dick-(德) thick
Diction-the clarity of a musical line
Die-(德) the
Dieci-(意大利) ten
Dieis-(意大利) sharp sign
Diese-(法) sharp sign
Dieselbe-(德) the same
Dies irae-(拉丁) a principal movement in the Requiem
Dietro-(意大利) behind
Difference tone-a third note, with a frequency given by the difference in the frequencies of two other notes played together
Differential tone-a third note, with a frequency given by the difference in the frequencies of two other notes played together
Dignita-(意大利) grandeur
Dihu-Chinese low pitched bowed lute
Dilruba-cross between the sitar and sarangi
Diluendo-(意大利) dying away
Dilungando-(意大利) lengthening
dim.-(意大利) Diminuendo
Diminished-an interval narrowed by one semitone from a perfect or minor interval
Diminuendo-(意大利) gradually getting softer
Diminution-when a melody is played in such a way that the time value of every note is shortened
Di molto-(意大利) very
Di Nuevo-(意大利) anew
Dionisio Aguado-(1784-1849)
Direct-a cautionary symbol placed at the end of a staff or page to indicate what the note following will be
Dirge-a slow mournful piece associated with funeral and memorial services
Disciolto-(意大利) skillful, dexterous
Discord-a combination of notes that sound dissonant to the ear
Discreto-(意大利) discreet, reserved
Discrezione-(意大利) discretion, reserve
Discretezza-(意大利) discretion, reserve
Disinvolto-(意大利) easy going
Disjunct-where the notes in a melody move in leaps, intervals greater than a tone, rather than from note to neighbouring notes only a semitone or tone different
Di sopra-(意大利) above
Disperato-(意大利) desperate, despair
Disperabile-(意大利) desperate, despair
Disperante-(意大利) desperate, despair
Disperazione-(意大利) desperate, despair
Dissonance-pitches that played together cause a discord, for example, seconds, sevenths and the tritone
Distanza-(意大利) distance
Distinto-(意大利) clear, distinct
Division-a form of variations
Divoto-(意大利) devoutly
Divotamente-(意大利) devoutly
Divozione-(意大利) devoutness
Dix-(法) ten
Dixieland jazz-style of jazz with a simple, cheerful character
Doble bemol-(Spanish) double flat
Doble sostenido-(Spanish) double sharp
Dobro-slide guitar with metal resonator discs mounted inside the body
Doch-(德) nevertheless, still, yet
Doctor of Music-the highest musical degree
Dodecaphony-a harmonic system employing the twelve-tone principle of composition giving equal status to all twelve chromatic notes
Doglia-(意大利) sorrow
Doglioso-(意大利) sorrowful
Dogliosamente-(意大利) sorrowfully
Dogwood Burl-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Doigt-(法) finger
Doigte-(法) fingering
Doina-melancholic Romanian folk song
Doit-(法) must
Doivent-(法) must
Dolce-(意大利) soft, sweet
Dolcissimo-(意大利) very softly, very sweetly
Dolente-(意大利) sorrowful
Dolentemente-(意大利) sorrowfully
Dolentissimo-(意大利) very sorrowful
Dolore-(意大利) pain
Dolorosamente-(意大利) painfully

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
