
O-(意大利) or
Oben-(德) above
Ober-(德) above, higher
Oberek-a Polish dance
Obertas-a quick, wild, triple time, round dance from Poland
Obertass-a quick, wild, triple time, round dance from Poland
Oblique motion-a term used in counterpoint to describe when one voice is stationary and a second moves up or down
Occasional piece-musical work written for a particular occasion
Octatonic Scale
Octave displacement-a melody with notes played in differing octave registers
Octet-(英)-a work written for eight players, the group playing such a piece of music
Octette-(法) a work written for eight players, the group playing such a piece of music
Octotonic-a scale in which the intervals are alternately a half-step and a whole step
Octuor-(法) a work written for eight players, the group playing such a piece of music
Octuple croche-(法) sixty-fourth note
Od-(意大利) or
Ode-cantata-like musical setting of lyric poetry
Oder-(德) or
Oeuvre-(法) work
Off-beat-a pulse that accentuates any part of the measure other than the first beat
Offen-(德) open
Offnen-(德) to open
Ogni-(意大利) all, every
Ohne-(德) without
Oil Finish Most oil finishes available are either a linseed oil or a tung oil. These oil finishes are actually varnishes and have an appealing natural luster. They are easy to use and produce a hard, thin and flexible finish, although not as protective and durable as a lacquer finish.
Oil Varnish Most oil finishes available are either a linseed oil or a tung oil. These oil finishes are actually varnishes and have an appealing natural luster. They are easy to use and produces a hard, thin and flexible finish, although not as protective and durable as a lacquer finish.
Oktett-(德) a work written for eight players, the group playing such a piece of music
Ole-a Gypsy dance
Olivewood-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Open String-A nonfretted note.
Omutibo-Kenyan musical style developed in the 1960s and 70s, based on the sounds of two guitars and a scraped glass soft drink bottle playing the rhythm section
Ondeggioando-(意大利) a swaying effect, tremolo, undulating, vibrato
Ondeggiante-(意大利) a swaying effect, tremolo, undulating, vibrato
Ondeggiamento-(意大利) a swaying effect, tremolo, undulating, vibrato
Ondule-(法) a swaying effect, tremolo, undulating, vibrato
Ongarese-(意大利) Hungarian
Op.-(拉丁) Opus; a number assigned by the composer or publisher to identify the chronology of the composition or publication of a musical work
Open-fifth chord-a triad without a third
Open form-a work in which the performer decides which order to play the material, where to start and where to stop
Open string-A non-fretted note.
Oper-(德) opera
Opera-(意大利) an abbreviation of opera in musica; a drama sung to the accompaniment of instruments, which may involve one or more singers
Operetta-(意大利) a short opera
Operette-(法) a short opera
Opus-(拉丁) a number assigned by the composer or publisher to identify the chronology of the composition or publication of a musical work
Oral tradition-music that is passed from person to person by imitation and example rather than by written notations
Orageuse-(法) stormy
Orageux-(法) stormy
Orchestra-an ensemble of players of musical instruments arranged in sections - the strings, the woodwind and brass and the percussion, plus occasionally a harp or, for some twentieth century repertoire, a piano
Orchestra pit-an area in front of, and sometimes slightly beneath the stage in an opera house from where the orchestral musicians play
Orchestration-art of arranging a musical work for performance by an orchestra
Ordinaire-(法) ordinary, normal
Ordinario-(意大利) ordinary, normal
Orecchio assoluto-(意大利) perfect pitch
Oregon Myrtle-A wood also known as California or Bay Laurel (or Pepperwood). It ranges in color from blond-yellow to taupe and makes very nice guitars and offers a bright sound, similar to Maple. It is a good alternative for Flamenco guitars.
Organology-science of musical instruments including their classification and development throughout history and cultures as well as the technical study of how they produce sound
Organ point-a low, sustained tone that remains steady in the bass of a composition while other voices move about above it
Ornamentation-additional elaboration added to a written melody
Ornament-s-additional elaboration added to a written melody
Oscillator-an electronic sound source
Osservanza-(意大利) observation
Ossia-(意大利) an alternative to the original passage
Ostinato-(意大利) persistent
Ottava-(意大利) octave
Ottava alta-(意大利) octave higher-higher
Ottava basso-(意大利) octave lower
Ottava sopra-(意大利) octave
Ottava sotto-(意大利) octave lower
Ottetto-(意大利) a work written for eight players, the group playing such a piece of music
Otto-(意大利) eight
Ou-(法) or, where
Ottu-a south Indian drone instrument
Oud-(Arabic) a short necked, fretless Middle Eastern and North African lute
Outi-Middle Eastern lute
Outside-associated with free jazz and a style of playing in which the performer improvised freely, breaking away from strict adherence to the traditional approach
Ouvert-(法) open
Ouverture-(法) overture
Ouvrir-(法) to open
Ovangkol-A wood from West Africa, its affordability, beauty and tonality is making it a favorite with a growing number of makers. Its figure is similar to Indian Rosewood, with dark grey straight lines over a golden-brown or olive-brown background. It comes from the same family as Bubinga and has a similar interlocking grain pattern. Tonally it is said to be between the robustness of Rosewood and the sparkly high-end of Maple.
Overdubbing-recording technique that facilitates the combination of separately recorded performances
Overtone-any note from the harmonic series except the fundamental
Overture-a piece that acts as an introduction to an oratorio, opera, play or ballet; a concerted work similar to a suite, having a number of movements
Ovvero-(意大利) or

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
