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Accrescendo-(意大利) getting louder Accuse-(法) emphasized Acht-(德) eight, care Achtel-(德) a note one eighth the time value of a whole note Achtelnote-(德) a note one eighth the time value of a whole note Achtelpause-(德) a rest one eighth the time value of a whole rest Achtstimmung-(德) in eight parts Acid rock-a genre of American rock, often associated with psychedelic drugs, that emerged in the late 1960's Acoustic-a term used to distinguish a non-electric instrument from its electric version Acrylic Lacquer-Originally used on cars, it is a guitar finish similar to nitrocellulose lacquer, but dries quicker and harder, but with age, does not producing the vintage look. Action Notation-a musical notation which gives mechanical directions to a musical performer but without giving any indication of the resulting sound Adagietto-(意大利) slow Adagio-(意大利) slow Adagissimo-(意大利) slow Additive meter-patterns of beats that subdivide into smaller, irregular groups, for example, 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 10; a meter common in certain types of Eastern European music Additive time signature-patterns of beats that subdivide into smaller, irregular groups, for example, 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 10; a meter common in certain types of Eastern European music Addolcendo-(意大利) becoming sweet or soft Addolorato-(意大利) in a mournful manner Adel-(德) nobility?? demi-jeu-(法) with half the power or strength?? demi-voix-(法) with half the power of the voice?? deux-(法) for two performers or two instruments?? deux cordes-(法) playing on two strings Adirato-(意大利) angered, irate Ad lib.-(拉丁) at pleasure, as you wish it Ad libitum-(拉丁) at pleasure, as you wish it A due-(意大利) for two performers or two instruments A due corde-(意大利) playing on two strings Adungu-a seven to ten stringed harp of the Alur people from Uganda Advent-Christian religious observance which takes place in the four weeks immediately preceding Christmas Aehnlich-(德) anxious Aeolian Harp-a box across which lie strings of various thicknesses, stretched and tuned in unison, which when placed in a window and the strings are excited by the wind, emits chords of harmonics Aeusserst-(德) extremely Affabile-(意大利) in a gentle pleasant manner; in an affable manner Affabilissant-(法) diminuendo, a steady softening Affannato-(意大利) in a distressful or anxious manner Affannosamente-(意大利) distressingly or anxiously Affannoso-(意大利) distressed or anxious Affection-a persistent emotional state of mind, such as wonder, fear, joy, rage Affections, doctrine of-a theory that arose during the Baroque period that associated certain musical methods and figures to arouse or portray particular emotions, for example, faster notes and major sonorities with happiness, minor keys and slower movement with sadness, loudness and harsh discordant harmonies with anger Affekt-(德) fervor Affektvoll-(德) full of fervor Affetto-(意大利) affection Affettuosa-(意大利) tenderly Affettuosamente-(意大利) affectionately Affettuoso-(意大利) with tenderness Affezione-(意大利) affection Afflitto-(意大利) afflicted, sad, melancholy Afflizione-(意大利) affliction Affrettare-(意大利) to hurry Affrettando-(意大利) hurrying, in a quickening tempo Affrettato-(意大利) hurried Affrettoso-(意大利) hurried Affrettuoso-(意大利) hurried Affrettatamente-(意大利) in a hurrying manner African Blackwood A very responsive, excellent tone wood. It is very fine grained, and stable when dry. Because of its rarity, African Blackwood is expensive. African Mahogany-A Mahogany a little heavier and finer textured than Honduran Mahogany. Mahogany is fine for guitars due to its relative low cost, ease of working, and stability. Colors range from light pink to medium brown to reddish brown. African Padauk-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Afro-a rhythmic style combining adaptations of sacred Bata drum rhythms popularized in Cuba in the 1940s, and often used to interpret lullabies Afrobeat-the fusion of West African and black American music Afroxe-a rhythm from Bahia, Brazil used in street parades Afterbeat-an accent placed on any beat in a measure other than the first Afzelia Burl-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Afzelia Xy-Lay-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar. Agevole-(意大利) lightly and easily, unlabored Agevolezza-(意大利) ease Aggiustamente-(意大利) rhythmically exact Aggiustatamente-(意大利) rhythmically exact Aggradevole-(意大利) agreeable Agiatamente-(意大利) free or comfortable tempo Agilement-(法) lively Agilmente-(意大利) in an agile and nimble fashion Agilita-(意大利) in an agile and nimble fashion Agilite-(法) in an agile and nimble fashion Agitamento-(意大利) agitation Agitanado-(Spanish) the gypsy feeling of a Spanish dance Agiatatamente-(意大利) agitatedly Agitato-(意大利) agitated, agitatedly, excited, fast, hurried, restless Agitazione-(意大利) agitation Agite-(法) agitated, agitatedly Agitiert -(德) agitatedly Agitirt-(德) agitated Agogic-the slight variations of rhythmic strength, tempo, accent and volume derived from the nature of a particular musical phrase in contrast to the regular pulse set by the time signature, for example, by accentuating a note by holding it for longer, rather than by playing it more forcefully Agrement-(法) ornament, grace note Agrements-(法) ornaments, grace notes Agreste-(法) rural Aguado, Dionisio-(1784-1849) Aguinaldo-Christmas songs from Spain and Spanish America Agustin Barrios Mangore-(1885-1944) Ahnlich-(德) similar, like Ai-(意大利) at the, to the Aigu-(法) shrill, high pitch Aigue-(法) shrill, high pitch Air-tune, tuneful song, art song accompanied by the lute or viola da gamba Air de cour-(法) monodic song or chanson often with a simple lute accompaniment Aise-(法) ease Aita-a stringed instrument from the Baka forest people of southeast Cameroon Ait atta-a Moroccan harvest dance performed by men and women Ait bodar-a Moroccan warrior dance performed only by men. They link arms as if welded to each other and chant their song during a continuous backwards and forward movement Ait bugemaz-a Moroccan dance Ajaeng-Korean seven-string zither Ajouter-(法) to add Ajsino oro-Albanian dance for men and women, in separate circles Akkord-(德) chord 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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