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Fragmentation-breaking up a subject into small segments, any one of which may form the basis for further development Frais-(法) fresh Fraiche-(法) fresh Fraicheur-(法) freshness Franc-(法) frank, open-hearted Francais-(法) French Francaise-(法) French Francaise-a round dance in compound duple or triple time Franche-(法) frank, open-hearted Franchezza-(意大利) boldness, freedom of spirit Franchise-(法) boldness, freedom of spirit Franciso Tarrega-(1852-1909) Frapper-(法) to strike Frappant-(法) striking Frappe-(法) struck Freddamente-(意大利) coldly Freddezza-(意大利)-coolness or indifference Freddo-(意大利) cold Free rhythm-a fluid line of music with an adjustable rhythm shaped by text Frei-(德) free Freie-(德) free French Clef French Polished Shellac French polishing is a method of applying finish to a guitar by hand with a cotton pad. Most of the fine classical guitars being hand made today are French Polished. It is a most highly-prized and desired finish for both its visual and tone enhancing characteristics. The texture, luster and color of the wood are enhanced with a French polish finish. It is thin, flexible and produces the clearest and most natural sound. Multiple polishing sessions are required over many weeks to achieve the best results. The finish dries to the touch almost immediately but can takes months to fully cure. Even though it is thin and flexible it is not very protective against even minor physical abuse. French sixth chord-an augmented sixth chord, which contains a second from the tonic Frenetica-(意大利) frenzied Frenetico-(意大利) frenzied Frequency-the number of vibrations per second of a musical pitch, usually measured in Hertz (Hz) Frescamente-(意大利) coolly or freshly Fresco-(意大利) fresh or cool Fret Dressing File-A file used for dressing frets to improve balance, tone, clarity, & sustain. Fret Ends-The sides of the frets that reach the sides of the fingerboard. Fret File-A file used for dressing frets to improve balance, tone, clarity, & sustain. Frets-Horizontal strips fixed in or tied around the fingerboard of some stringed instruments to act as guides to where the fingers should be placed to stop for different notes. Strips of metal on the neck of a guitar against which the strings are pressed in playing. Fretta-(意大利) haste Frettolosamente-(意大利) hurried Freude-(德) joy Freudig-(德) joyful Frisch-(德) brisk, lively Frohlich-(德) happy Froid-(德) cold Froidement-(法) coldly Fruher-(德) earlier, previously F-Schlussel-(德) F or bass clef Fuga-(拉丁) Fugato-a passage in a fugal style Fugue-(意大利) a fifteenth- or sixteenth-century canon Fuge-(德) fugue Fughetta-a short fugue Fuging tune-a tune upon which a fugue is built Fugue-form in which a subject theme is introduced and then extended and developed through some number of successive imitations Fulia-a call and response music style from eastern Venezuela with Spanish musical roots Full Cadence-A chord progression where the dominant chord is followed by the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, an authentic cadence would be the dominant G major chord (G B D) moving to the tonic C major chord (C E G). In a perfect authentic cadence, the dominant chord in root position is followed by the tonic in root position, and according to some, the cadence is not perfect unless the uppermost voice is the tonic in the final chord. Full Close-perfect cadence Full Close Cadence-A chord progression where the dominant chord is followed by the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, an authentic cadence would be the dominant G major chord (G B D) moving to the tonic C major chord (C E G). In a perfect authentic cadence, the dominant chord in root position is followed by the tonic in root position, and according to some, the cadence is not perfect unless the uppermost voice is the tonic in the final chord. Full Orchestra-an orchestra with all of its four sections; brass, percussion strings, and woodwind Fuhrend-(德) leading Fullstimme-(德) a middle voice in a polyphonic composition generally of little musical importance Function-the way in which chords, and individual tones within the chord, tend to imply movement toward another chord Fundamental-the lowest note in the harmonic series Funebre-(意大利) funeral Funf-(德) five Funfstimmig-(德) in five parts Fuoco-(意大利) force and speed Fur -(德) for Furia-(意大利) fury Furibondo-(意大利) furious Furiosamente-(意大利) furiously Furioso-(意大利) furious Furiant-a rapid, polyrhythmic dance type in triple time from Bohemia Furieux-(法) furious Furieusement-(法) furiously Furore-(意大利) enthusiasm, fury Fusa-(拉丁) eighth note Fuyant-(法) fleeing fz-(意大利) forzando or forzato; forcing 其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy |
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