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Author's Preface ........ The guitar of Villa-Lobos opened up new paths in musical expression. Without doubt, through a surprising process of self teaching, he created an innovative technique that could not have been learnt in an academy, and also a personal technique, original because of its truthfulness, its message, its humanity and its life........ 此部分共[8]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 7>> 8>> 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 2 -- Technique Analysis and Interpretation of 5 Preludes by Heitor Villa Lobos(卡雷瓦洛吉他大师课--维拉罗伯斯的5首前奏曲技巧分析与音乐表现)〗 Foreward(Cont.) It should be evident that Villa-Lobos was not a composer of "classical" temperament: he soon rebelled against conservatory traditions. Although he was sceptical about scholastic approaches, I personally believe that he would have been unable to construct a sonorous monument of such dimensions without acquiring the necessary technique and receiving an integral training. He was, to a large degree, his own teacher and pupil, a fine example of self education. Through different works, which span a number of years, and mainly through his 17 String Quartets, he found his own path and consequently a maturing of his style. Only by realising that his art, of universal significance, is essentially of local conception, do we grasp the geniality of his message. The rhythmic heritage of the people of Brazil constitutes a platform for his artistic creation. He had a certain disdain for academic recipes: when Stravinsky asked him to explain the formal structure of the "Choros" he replied that they varied according to his imagination and that a precise model did not exist. Villa-Lobos composed at uncertain hours, at unconventional moments; even surrounded by noise, people and blaring radios. His inspiration was constant and haunted him: it was his inner strength. In his own words: ". . .I do not place barriers or holds in front of the tropical exuberance that I carry within myself and which I instinctively pass on to everything I write. This is why I compose without feeling tied to the conventions of our so called civilisation. . .When working, I am not bothered if children come into the house, turn on the radio, sing or dance. I have great faith in them, it is essential to educate them - social education through music." 此部分共[8]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 7>> 8>> 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 2 -- Technique Analysis and Interpretation of 5 Preludes by Heitor Villa Lobos(卡雷瓦洛吉他大师课--维拉罗伯斯的5首前奏曲技巧分析与音乐表现)〗 其它相关链接: 古典吉他曲-维拉罗伯斯的第1号前奏曲(Villa-Lobos' Prelude No.1, classical guitar ) 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 3 -- Technique, Analysis and Interpretation of 12 Studies by Heitor Villa Lobos (维拉罗伯斯的12首高级练习曲技巧与演奏分析)〗 〖Heitor Villa-Lobos 12 Studies(维拉罗伯斯12首高级练习曲)〗 〖维拉.罗伯斯十二首高级练习曲(Villa Lobos Etudes,五六线对照)〗 |
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