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Author's Preface ........ The guitar of Villa-Lobos opened up new paths in musical expression. Without doubt, through a surprising process of self teaching, he created an innovative technique that could not have been learnt in an academy, and also a personal technique, original because of its truthfulness, its message, its humanity and its life........ 此部分共[8]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 7>> 8>> 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 2 -- Technique Analysis and Interpretation of 5 Preludes by Heitor Villa Lobos(卡雷瓦洛吉他大师课--维拉罗伯斯的5首前奏曲技巧分析与音乐表现)〗 Foreward The music of Heitor Villa-Lobos has overcome its own frontiers to become truly universal, as great art should. His indefatigable creativity has incorporated the rhythms and themes of his people into the musical heritage of the human race. Villa-Lobos, although attached by an unfailing instinct to the sources of popular inspiration, does not lose sight of the intellectual ideals which give his music everlasting balance. His work is of great proportions. Fertility is a main feature, along with an intimate strong and inseparable bonding of folklore to reason. This marriage of Villa-Lobos to folklore is so perfect, so far reaching and profoundly personal, that it defines the very existence of the composer. Nationalism and universality become a single, driving, and harmonious element that, when viewed as a whole, turns his work into a great lesson in life and truthfulness. He himself said: ". . .To reach that level of expression, the serious composer must study the musical heritage of his own country, just as its literary, poetic and political backgrounds. Only in this way will the music flower as a vital element within our social structure." The first important musical influence was received at home: his father, Raul Villa-Lobos, a fine amateur musician and cellist used to stage weekly recitals in which music by Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn and others was played among friends - this was the atmosphere that surrounded the childhood of the young Heitor. Some personality traits seem to have a family origin: the severe discipline imposed by his father and the almost obstinate will that was a virtue of Dona Noemia, his mother. 此部分共[8]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 7>> 8>> 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 2 -- Technique Analysis and Interpretation of 5 Preludes by Heitor Villa Lobos(卡雷瓦洛吉他大师课--维拉罗伯斯的5首前奏曲技巧分析与音乐表现)〗 其它相关链接: 古典吉他曲-维拉罗伯斯的第1号前奏曲(Villa-Lobos' Prelude No.1, classical guitar ) 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 3 -- Technique, Analysis and Interpretation of 12 Studies by Heitor Villa Lobos (维拉罗伯斯的12首高级练习曲技巧与演奏分析)〗 〖Heitor Villa-Lobos 12 Studies(维拉罗伯斯12首高级练习曲)〗 〖维拉.罗伯斯十二首高级练习曲(Villa Lobos Etudes,五六线对照)〗
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