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Do not practice mistakes. Go slow enough that you almost never make a mistake. 此部分共[6]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 〖A Complete System for Understanding the Fretboard by Barrett Tagliarino(吉他指板知识)〗 11. Minor, Diminished, and Augmented Intervals(小音程,减音程与增音程) Interval Quality Table(音程质量修饰词表) Interval Quality Abbreviations(音程质量修饰词缩略) Exercise #26 Exercise #27 12. Compound Intervals(复合音程) Compound Intervals and Their Simple Interval Equivalents(复合音程与对应的简单音程对照表) Exercise #28 Exercise #29 13. Triad Arpeggios(三和弦琶音) Major(大三和弦) Exercise #30 Minor(小三和弦) Exercise #31 Diminished(减三和弦) Exercise #32 Augmented(增三和弦) Exercise #33 14. Triads(三和弦) Chords and Voicing(和弦与声部) Major Triad(大三和弦) Exercise #34 Minor Triad(小三和弦) Exercise #35 Diminished Triad(减三和弦) Exercise #36 Augmented Triad(增三和弦) Exercise #37 Inversions(和弦转位) 15. Seventh Arpeggios(七和弦琶音) Major Seventh(大七和弦) Exercise #38 Minor Seventh(小七和弦) Exercise #39 Dominant Seventh(属七和弦) Exercise #40 Minor Seventh Flat-Five(小七降五和弦) Exercise #41 Diminished Seventh(减七和弦) Exercise #42 16. Seventh Chords(七和弦) Open Voicings vs Close Voicings(七和弦声部的排列) Stock voicing Exercise #43 Exercise #44 Exercise #45 Exercise #46 Exercise #47 17. Extensions(扩展) Extented Chords(扩展和弦) Those Nasty Elevenths Exercise #48 Exercise #49 Exercise #50 18. Alterations(变化) Altered Chords(变化和弦/替换和弦) Rules of Altered Chord Construction(变化和弦的构建) Exercise #51 19. Modes(模式) Why modes? what are modes?(模式简介) Practice(练习) Find the Ionian(确定Ionian模式/相应的大调) Exercise #52 Exercise #53 Exercise #54 20. Other Common Scales(其它一些常用音阶类型) Blues/Country Blues/Harmonic Minor/Melodic Minor/Diminished/Dominant Diminished(布鲁斯/乡村布鲁斯/和声小调/旋律小调/减音阶/属减音阶) Exercise #55 Exercise #56 Exercise #57 21. Other Common Chords(其它常用和弦) Suspended Chords,Sixth Chords,Six/Nine Chords/Add9 Chords(挂留和弦, 六和弦, 六/九和弦, 加9和弦) Exercise #58 Slash Chords(分割和弦) Exercise #59 22. Conclusion(总结) Final Project Solutions to Exercises(习题答案) Ex1-5 Ex6-9 Ex10-12 Ex13-15 Ex16-22 Ex23-27 Ex28-37 Ex38-46 Ex47-51 Ex52-54 Ex55-59 About the Author 此部分共[6]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 〖A Complete System for Understanding the Fretboard by Barrett Tagliarino(吉他指板知识)〗 其它相关链接: 吉他学习-吉他指板上的各调音阶 吉他新手学习—吉他指板上各位置的音名及推导(Pitch names on the guitar fret board ) 学习指板上音级应掌握的规则 |
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