
  Do not practice mistakes. Go slow enough that you almost never make a mistake.
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〖A Complete System for Understanding the Fretboard by Barrett Tagliarino(吉他指板知识)〗
    How To Use This Book
    Frequently Asked Questions
      Why Do I Need to Draw diagrams and say all this stuff out loud? Why can't just play?
      What if I don't did it right?
      Hey, you left out ... ?
      How Shoud I practice playing these shapes?
  1. Diagrams, Frets, and Strings(和弦图,品格与弦的表示)
    Exercise #1
    Exercise #2
    Exercise #3
  2. The Five Root Shapes(五种根音位置图)
    Introduction for root shapes
    Root Shape Pattern 1(根音位置图1)
    Root Shape Pattern 2(根音位置图2)
    Root Shape Pattern 3(根音位置图3)
    Root Shape Pattern 4(根音位置图4)
    Root Shape Pattern 5(根音位置图5)
    Exercise #4
    Exercise #5
  3. Whole Steps and Half Steps(全音与半音)
    Twelve Notes, Seven Natural Notes, Accendentals, Sharp, Flat,Natural Scale
    Natural Scale on One String vs. Keyboard Notes
    Exercise #6
    Exercise #7
    Exercise #8
  4. Note Names(音的命名)
    Method #1: Natural Notes
    Method #2: Root Shapes
    New Note: D at the 7th fret
    Exercise #9
  5. Finding Notes(在指板上寻找需要的音符)
    Rules for Finding Notes
    Exercise #10
  6. The Major Scale(大调音阶)
    The Major Scale Formula(大调音阶的构成)
    Exercise #11
  7. The Five Major Scale Patterns(5种大调音阶类型)
    Whole Steps and Half Steps on Adjacent Strings(邻弦上的全音与半音关系)
    Building Major Scale Patters(各种音阶形式的构建)
    Exercise #12
  8. The Natural Minor Scale(自然小调音阶)
    Natural Minor Scale Formula
    Exercise #13
    Relative Minor and Major(关系大小调)
    Exercise #14
    Exercise #15
  9. Pentatonic Scales(五声音阶)
    Major Pentatonic Formula
    Exercise #16
    Minor Pentatonic Formula
    Exercise #17
    Relative Pentatonics
    Exercise #18
    Exercise #19
    Exercise #20
    Exercise #21
    Exercise #22
  10. Major and Perfect Intervals(大音程与纯音程)
    Interval introduction
    Quantity and quality of Interval
    Major and Perfect Intervals
    Perfect Unison(纯一度)
    Major Second(大二度)
    Major Third(大三度)
    Perfect Fourth(纯四度)
    Perfect Fifth(纯五度)
    Major Sixth(大六度)
    Major Seventh(大七度)
    Perfect Octave(纯八度)
    Exercise #23
    Exercise #24
    Exercise #25
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〖A Complete System for Understanding the Fretboard by Barrett Tagliarino(吉他指板知识)〗

吉他新手学习—吉他指板上各位置的音名及推导(Pitch names on the guitar fret board )
