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〖The Principles of Correct Practice for Guitar(正确的吉他练习方法与原理)--by Jamey Andreas〗 ........And again, like many people in that situation, I found myself greatly frustrated by the difficulty of actually playing as well as I heard so many people play on recordings........ .......No matter how much I practiced, so many things seemed difficult or impossible. I often felt like I didn't have the talent, the gift that made other people able to do it........ 如果你也有作者一样的困惑,你或许应该认真了解一下作者是如何解决了那些一样困惑你们的问题....... 此部分共[5]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 〖The Principles of Correct Practice for Guitar(正确的吉他练习方法与原理)--by Jamey Andreas〗 It is very much like a child learns to speak. The child will work on producing sounds with the speech mechanism, tongue, lips and all the rest, for a few years. They will intuitively learn the meanings of these sounds, and how they are put together. Eventually, they will actually have things they want to say! If the earliest parts of the process did not go along as they should, the child may end up with some kind of speech impediment. A stuttering problem would certainly stand in the way of self-expression through speech throughout that person's life. In the same way many guitarists are plagued with technical problems that get more obvious and troublesome as time goes on, especially when efforts to advance to a higher level of playing are made. The Principles of Correct Practice will go a long way toward preventing this situation from developing in the first place. Also, this book is by no means a complete treatment of all the various techniques used by fingerstyle or pick style players. Rather, in covering some of the most basic areas, the areas where most people go wrong, I hope to give the student a way of thinking about the problems they encounter in practicing and playing, so these approaches can be applied to an infinite number of actual playing techniques. In short, I am not giving the hungry person a fish, I'd rather teach them how to fish! I have always been fascinated by the details of the life of the great classical guitarist John Williams. He is known for his outstanding and "perfect" technique, and I was astounded when I learned that he practiced very little. Later, I learned other details of his early training that I believe are extremely revealing if properly appreciated. He was taught by his father, who was reputed to be a great teacher. He started at four, and although he only practiced about a half-hour a day, he was not allowed to practice unsupervised for a number of years. This means, he was not allowed to do anything wrong while practicing. He was not allowed to practice on his own until he could be responsible for perfect practice. This is similar to how singers were traditionally trained, when they lived with their teachers, and were not allowed to sing a note unless the teacher was there. So the fundamental reasons for problems in learning were not present in his case. He always knew the right thing to do, and great pains were taken to make sure that he did do the right thing. In fact, when asked the reason for his great talent, all he said was "I was extremely well trained''. This is the foundation of my entire book. How you practice is everything when it comes to being successful at learning to play. Your understanding of how to practice is everything when it comes to your ability to do this. Having the personal attention of a great teacher is always the best situation. I had many teachers, some good and some great. I learned valuable things from each one, and those things became the starting point of my own investigations. But there were also many necessary things they either didn't teach or didn't stress, and these are the things I have written about. These Principles of Correct Practice have worked for me, and for the hundreds of students I have taught over the years. Whatever your level of aspiration may be as a player, I believe anyone who studies and uses the understandings and tools in this book will be able to fulfill their desires, eliminate the frustration that accompanies practicing for so many people, and have the means for ever-growing ability and satisfaction in playing the guitar. 此部分共[5]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 〖The Principles of Correct Practice for Guitar(正确的吉他练习方法与原理)--by Jamey Andreas〗 |
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