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Author's Preface ........ Villa-Lobos was an innovator, a composer who rejected stereotyped formulas. He chose to create his own language, to compose music with his own personal trademark. Initially, he was severely condemned by critics, but in spite of this his aesthetic conviction gave him the strength to progress according to his own rules........ 此部分共[4]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 3 -- Technique, Analysis and Interpretation of 12 Studies by Heitor Villa Lobos (维拉罗伯斯的12首高级练习曲技巧与演奏分析)〗 FOREWORD(前言简介)-续 It might be interesting to relate how I first came to hear the Twelve Studies. I met Villa-Lobos on my first trip to Rio de Janeiro, where I had gone to give a concert; his reaction to me was enthusiastic. He congratulated me and invited me to the Conservatoriode Canto Orfeonico (Conservatory of Orfeonic Singing), which he directed. I studied with him there for a while. At that time I had not yet decided to become a professional guitarist. Being young I did not know what future would await me in that profession. However, music had such a strong attraction for me that it became a vital necessity that compelled me, despite any doubts I had, to work to the best of my abilitiy. I studied just as if I were a professional. Villa-Lobos had a strong impact on me and his music and ideas created a positive attitude in me. At his invitation I was able to hear many of his 17 quartets. I heard the 12 studies for the first time one day when Villa-Lobos introduced me to Tomds Teran, a great pianist and a friend of his. He asked Teran to play the studies for my benefit. It was surprising to listen to Teran's piano transcriptions of these guitar studies. First Villa-Lobos would comment on one of the studies and afterwards Teran would perform it on the piano. In his hands, those Twelve Studies were transformed into true works of art. His interpretations, combined with the explanations by the composer, made me understand them musically, in all their undeniable beauty - a fact all the more curious that they were not even being played on the guitar. It was a great experience to realize that the abstract values of music endure in the hands of a great artist. Villa-Lobos gave birth to the modern guitar, forging a new path for it; the newly expanded musical and technical possibilities have greatly benefited the repertoire for the instrument. Abel Carlevaro 1987 此部分共[4]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 其它相关链接: 古典吉他曲-维拉罗伯斯的第1号前奏曲(Villa-Lobos' Prelude No.1, classical guitar ) 〖Abel Carlevaro -- Guitar Masterclass -- Vol. 2 -- Technique Analysis and Interpretation of 5 Preludes by Heitor Villa Lobos(卡雷瓦洛吉他大师课--维拉罗伯斯的5首前奏曲技巧分析与音乐表现)〗 〖Heitor Villa-Lobos 12 Studies(维拉罗伯斯12首高级练习曲)〗 〖维拉.罗伯斯十二首高级练习曲(Villa Lobos Etudes,五六线对照)〗 |
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