
  “There is an underlying message that says if you are willing and able to look at an issue from a different perspective, and if you can bring the same creative powers that you bring to your music-makmg to your technical work, you can overcome obstacles. Furthermore, there's no law that says it can't be fun.”
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〖Scott Tennant -- Pumping Nylon(跳动的尼龙)〗
  Pumping Nylon(跳动的尼龙) 
  Table of Contents 
  Author's Preface(作者前言) 
  Editor's Preface(编者前言) 
  Some Do's and Don'ts(该做的和不该做的) 
    About the Hands(关于你的手) 
    About the Body(关于你的身体) 
    About Holding the Guitar - The Triangle(关于持琴姿势—三角) 
  The Left Hand(左手) 
    Finger Placement and Accuracy(手指的按弦位置与准确性) 
    Pressure and Release(压弦、放弦) 
     |Pressure Release Exercise(压弦放弦练习) 
     |Finger Exchange(手指变换) 
    Assending Slurs (Hammer-ons)(上行圆滑音,打弦) 
    Descending Slurs (Pull-offs)(下行圆滑音,勾弦) 
    Finger Independence(手指的独立性) 
     |#3-Opposing Motion(相向移动练习) 
     |#4-Horizontal Character Builders(水平方向的特殊练习) 
     |#5-Odair's Favorite Drill(Odair 最喜爱的练习) 
     |#6-The Spider(蜘蛛人) 
    The Barre(横按) 
     |Weight vs. Pressure(重量与压力) 
     |Being Selective(区别对待) 
     |Summing It All Up(总结) 
    Quadrivial Quandary by Andrew York - A Four-Voice Study for the Left Hand(安德鲁.约克的一首左手四声部练习) 
     |Quadrivial Quandary 
    Fanfare by Brian Head - A Slur Study(一条圆滑音练习) 
  The Right Hand(右手) 
    Tone Production(发声/音色的产生) 
    Nail Length and Shape(指甲的长度与形状) 
     |Nail Length(指甲长度) 
     |Nail Types(指甲的类型) 
     |Shaping the Nails(修剪指甲) 
     |Angle and Placement(触弦角度与位置) 
    Rest Stroke (Apoyando)(靠弦奏法/阿波阳多奏法) 
     |The Movement(移动) 
    Free Stroke (Tirando)(不靠弦奏法/泰兰多奏法/塔尔兰多奏法) 
    Right-Hand Finger Independence(右手手指独立性) 
     |Arpeggios from Tarrega's The Complete Technical Studies(泰雷加完全技巧学习中的琶音练习) 
    The Thumb(拇指) 
     |Shaping the Nail(拇指指甲修剪) 
     |Develop that Thumb !(发展拇指技巧) 
  Flamenco Techniques(弗拉门戈技巧) 
    What Else Can the Thmub Do ?(拇指的其它技巧) 
     |Soleares Falseta 
     |Alzapua Falseta 
    Some Pratical Applications(一些实际的应用) 
     |from Turina's Sevillana 
     |from Turina's Rafaga 
     |from Rodrigo's Concerto de Aranjuez, 2nd Movement 
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〖Scott Tennant -- Pumping Nylon(跳动的尼龙)〗
