
吉他学习-看我学和声与乐理目录导航(Harmony & Theory)
一些乐理知识及其在古典吉他弹奏中的实际应用(Music Theory and Its Application in Classical Guitar Playing)

〖The Complete Idiot's Guide To Music Theory (2005, 2nd Edition) by Michael Miller〗(音乐理论入门指南)
〖Music Theory for Songwriters by Joel Mugglin〗(作曲音乐理论)
〖Principles of Counterpoint by Alan Belkin〗(对位原理)
〖Music Theory For Dummies by Michael Pilhofer and Holly Day〗((傻瓜系列—音乐理论入门))
〖Hearing and Writing Music (Professional Training for Today's Musician) by Ron Gorow〗(音乐鉴赏(听辨)与创作训练)
〖键盘上的乐理知识〗(Music Theory On the Keyboard,by Li Chong Guang)
〖Chord Chemistry -- by Ted Greene〗(和弦的解析)
〖Practical Music Theory Complete (Basic)〗(实用乐理知识大全,基础篇)
〖Harmony and Theory by Keith Wyatt & Carl Schroeder〗(和声理论)
〖乐理 实用乐理教程〗(Practical Music Theory Tutorial)
〖李重光--基本乐理简明教程〗(A Course of Basic Music Theory Tutorial, by Li Chong Guang)
〖五线谱基础教程-黄红盈〗(Basic Staff Tutorial, by Huang Hong Ying)
〖新概念乐理教程——五线谱、简谱一起学〗(New Concept Music Theory Tutorial -- Learn Staff and Numbered Music Notation Together)
〖乐理新教程--史季民、龚肇义〗(New Music Theory Tutorial)
