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......... Paradox: they are, at one and the same time, a point of arrival and departure. This paradox is explained by the fact that the scale is axiomatically the most elementary of musical models and the one least involved in the interpretative (or 'emotional') aspect of music: in other words, it is seen as an abstraction and, for this very reason, considered the most suitable tool for daily practice in technique. ........ 此部分共[2]页: 1>> 2>> 〖Scales for Guitar(吉他音阶) -- Leo Brouwer / Paolo Paolini〗 首页 Contents The Paradox of Scales(关于音阶的悖论) Problematic Factors(音阶练习中的主要问题) Preparation for Speed(提高速度的准备) Right Hand Fingering Economizing on Energy Movement of the Right Hand(右手的运动) Movement of the Left Hand(左手的运动) Major and Minor (Melodic) Diatonic Scales(自然大调与旋律小调音阶) C Major(C大调) a Minor(a小调) G Major(G大调) e Minor(e小调) D Major(D大调) b Minor(b小调) A Major(A大调) #f Minor(#f小调) E Major(E大调) #c Minor(#c小调) B Major(B大调) #g Minor(#g小调) F# Major(F#大调) #d Minor(#d小调) Db Major(Db大调) bb Minor(bb小调) Ab Major(Ab大调) F Minor(f小调) Eb Major(Eb大调) c Minor(c小调) Bb Major(Bb大调) g Minor(g小调) F Major(F大调) d Minor(d小调) Alternate Scales(交替音阶) Model A(semitone/tone etc,半音/全音) Model B(tone/semitone etc,全音/半音) Major Pentatonic Scale(大调五声音阶) Minor Pentatonic Scale(小调五声音阶) Blues Scales(布鲁斯音阶) Examples from the Literature(作品中的音阶应用实例) 此部分共[2]页: 1>> 2>> 〖Scales for Guitar(吉他音阶) -- Leo Brouwer / Paolo Paolini〗 |
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