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......... All of which goes to show that if the music of Bach could do without the guitar, the guitar and guitarists have not been able to do without the music of Bach. ........ 此部分共[4]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 〖Johann Sebastian Bach - Complete Lute Music for Guitar(适于吉他的巴赫琉特琴音乐大全)〗 Bach and Guitar From the end of the nineteenth century,Bach's music became part of the standard repertoire for guitarists to such an extent that it has proved at least as popular as those works written specifically by major composers for the instrument, if not more so. Bach's name first appears in a publication intended for the guitar at the beginning of the nineteenth century in a collection entitled "La Folie du 19e Siecle contenant vingt-quatre Wahers, toutes prises dans les ouvrages d'Haydn, Mozart, Kozeluch, Bach, et autres Auteurs celebres, Arrangees pour la guitare settle soit a cinq cordes ou a six cordes par Daisy Professeur," It has not been possible to identify the piece by Bach contained in this collection, but it is almost certainly not the work of Johann Sebastian hut of one of his sons. Tradition has it that the first transcriptions of Bach's compositions for the guitar were the work of Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909). Whether this is yet another of the many merits with which he is wrongly credited is of no great importance here. What is important is that these transcriptions of Bach were the first to be used by performers other than the transcriber himself. Tarrega did not transcribe Bach's music for lute, since this was still unknown at the time, but drew mainly on the Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin and on the Suites for solo cello. Tarrega made six transcriptions and it is easy to tell the difference between those intended for actual performance and those that were purely a pretext for creating new studies for the guitar. The former group includes three pieces taken from the Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin and from the Suites for solo cello solo, while the latter group has a short fragment of the Chaconne (taken from the Partita in D minor BWV 1004 for solo violin), the Crocifixus from the Mass in B minor BWV 232 and the Gigue from the first Partita for Harpsichord BWV 825. Hence, Francisco Tarrega saw Bach's works for solo violin and solo cello as being a source for works which would prove most suited to adaptation for the guitar. 此部分共[4]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 〖Johann Sebastian Bach - Complete Lute Music for Guitar(适于吉他的巴赫琉特琴音乐大全)〗 |
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