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〖Tone Production on Classical Guitar /古典吉他音色的产生及影响因素〗 ......... Since the guitar is nothing without its sound, one might expect all the instruction books to be full of useful information on how to produce and vary the tone. However, this is not the case. Most of the books fail to give any detailed instructions on the action of sounding a string, and the ones that do contradict each other at every turn. ........ 此部分共[5]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 〖Tone Production on Classical Guitar /古典吉他音色的产生及影响因素〗 封面 目录(Contents) 简介(Introduction) 第一章:音符 (The Musical Note) 1.1 Musical and Phisical Terms 1.2 Pitch Frequency 1.3 Qualyty: mixture of frequency conponents 1.4 Loudness: amplitude 第二章:The Plucked String (拨弦) 2.1 The need for a theoretical model 2.2 Fundamental frequency of a stretched string 2.3 Techniques of Vibrato 2.4 Modes of Vibration of a String 2.5 The Harmonic Series 2.6 Excitation of the Modes by Plucking 2.7 Energy Distribution among the Modes 2.8 Methods of Suppressingthe Higher Modes 2.9 Motion of a string after release 2.10 Two Techniques of Selective Damping 2.11 The Effect of String Stiffness 第三章:String and Soundboard (琴弦振动与共鸣) 3.1 The Guitar as an Amplifier 3.2 The Role of the Soundboard 3.3 Modes of Vibration of the Soundboard 3.4 Coupling between String and Soundboard 3.5 The Starting Transient 第四章:Apoyando and Tirando (靠弦与不靠弦) 4.1 The problem of fret-rattle 4.2 Projecting the string towards the soundboard 4.3 Controlling the direction of release 4.4 Applying the general principles 第五章: Use of the Nails (指甲的运用) 5.1 The nail as a ramp 5.2 Varying the ramp length 5.3 Setting the height of the wrist 5.4 Shaping the nails 第六章:Some Controversial Issues (一些争议性的话题) 6.1 The Difficulty of Being Objective 6.2 Nails or Flesh or Both ? 6.3 Long Nails or Short ? 6.4 "Plucking" v. "Striking" 6.5 Tip Joints: Firm or Relaxed ? 6.6 Which Way to Turn the Hand ? 6.7 Uses of Apoyando and Tirando Postscript References Acknowledgements 此部分共[5]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 〖Tone Production on Classical Guitar /古典吉他音色的产生及影响因素〗 |
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