
  吉他各部位的名称与功能/Parts of the Guitar and Their Function
  吉他的持法/How to Hold the Guitar
  左右手的姿势/Hand Posture
  音符的种类及其数拍法/Kinds of Notes and the Way to Count theie Duration
  调弦的方法Tuning Methods
  吉他乐谱上所用的记号/Terms Used on Gutiar Scores
  指位图解表/Position Diagrams
  第1级(单音的练习)/Grade 1 (Individual Note Exercise)
    6条弦的开放弦(空弦练习)/Open Strings 1-6
    2弦和1弦上的音阶/Scales Using the Second and First Strings
    4段旋律/Four Melodies
    小蜜蜂(德国民谣)/Lightly Row(Fold Song)
    全音符、二分音符、四分音符的综合练习Whole Note,Half Note and Quarter Note Combination
    休止符和附点音符Rests and Dotted Notes
    布谷鸟(德国民谣)Cuckoo(Fold Song)
    温和的蜜蜂(波西米亚民谣)/Gentle Bee(Fold Song)
    3弦和2弦上的音阶/Scales Using the Third and Second Strings
    新生颂(德国民谣)/Song for the New Student(Fold Song)
    练习曲(C. Czerny)Etude(C. Czerny)
    5弦和4弦上的音阶Scales Using the Fifth and Fourth Strings
    小星星(法国民谣)Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star(Fold Song)
    阿玛利丽(吉慈)/Amaryllis(J. Ghys)
    音阶的综合练习/Whole Scale Exercise
  第2级(重音的练习)/Grade 2 (DOuble Note Practice)
    二声部的练习/Two-Voice Exercise
    六度音程的二声部练习/Two-Voice Practice in Sixth
    月光(法国民谣)/Moonlight(Fold Song)
    青蛙的合唱(德国民谣)/The Changeless Choir(Fold Song)
    练习曲(拜尔)/Etude(F. Beyer)
    三度音程的练习/Practice in Thirds
    练习曲(库弗纳)/Etude(J. Kuffner)
    6弦和5弦上的音阶/Scales Using the Sixth and Fifth Strings
    全弦的音阶/Scales Using All Strings
    练习曲(卡诺)/Etude(A. Cano)
    圆舞曲(卡鲁里)/Waltz(F. Carulli)
    练习曲(卡鲁里)/Etude(F. Carulli)
    小行板练习曲(卡尔卡西)/Etude(M. Carcassi)
    练习曲26号(C. Czerny)/Exercise No.26(C. Czerny)
    玛丽的小绵羊(美国民谣)/Mary Had a Little Lamb(Fold Song)
    阿维农桥(法国民谣)The Bridge of Avignon(Fold Song)
    稍快板练习曲/Etude(F. Beyer)
    伦敦桥(英国民谣)/London Bridge(Folk Song)
    小鸟之歌(德国民谣)/The Little Bird's Song(Fold Song)
    练习曲29号(C. Czerny)/Exercise No.29(C. Czerny)
  第3级(和弦与琶音)Grade 3 (Chords and Arpeggio)
    行板的练习曲(卡鲁里)/Etude(F. Carulli)
    练习曲(卡鲁里)/Etude(F. Carulli)
    绿袖子(英国民谣)/Green Sleeves(Fold Song)
    圆舞曲(卡鲁里)/Waltz(F. Carulli)
    前奏曲(卡鲁里)/Prelude(F. Carulli)
  第4级(中级技巧)/Grade 4 (Middle Level Technique)
    圆舞曲(卡鲁里)/Waltz(F. Carulli)
    进行曲(卡尔卡西)/March(M. Carcassi)
    欢乐颂(贝多芬)/Song of Joy(L. Van Beethoven)
    山中音乐家(德国民谣)/The Mountain Musician(Fold Song)
    练习曲(朱利亚尼)/Etude(M. Giuliani)
    圆舞曲(迪亚贝利)/Waltz(A. Diabelli)
    连德勒舞曲(库弗纳)/Landler(J. Kuffner)
    高音域的音阶与重音/High Range and High Double Notes
    罗蕾莱/Die Lorelei(Silcher)
    6个调的音阶练习/Scale Exercise in Six Keys)
  第5级(愉快的独奏小品)/Grade 5 (Enjoyable Solo Pieces)
    练习曲(散步,卡鲁里)/Etude(F. Carulli)
    安格莱士(卡鲁里)/Anglaise(F. Carulli)
    A小调练习曲(拜尔)/Etude(F. Beyer)
    行板(索尔)/Andante(F. Sor)
    练习曲(卡鲁里)/Exercise(F. Carulli)
    小步舞曲(格里格)/Minuet(J. Krieger)
    今日英雄得胜归(亨德尔)/Judas Maccabaeus(G. F. Handel)
    小丑之舞(费兰蒂勒)/Contradanza de Los Curtacos(F. Ferandiere)
