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〖A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar --By Charles Duncan〗 遵照以下几条原则,你的演奏技巧和音乐素养将会渐渐地获得明显的提高: ........ o Play at least a half-hour a day on as regular a schedule as possible.(每天至少练习半个小时) o Use good playing posture.(采用正确的姿势) o Follow directions carefully.(认真按照要求去做) o Avoid distractions. Keep your mind on what you are doing.(保持注意力集中) o Learn all material thoroughly before moving to a new section.(总是在全面系统地学习与掌握当前内容之后,再进行下面的学习) ........ 此部分共[9]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 7>> 8>> 9>> 〖A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar ——By Charles Duncan〗 封面 ===Book One=== Contents(目录) About The Author(关于作者) To The Player(给吉他爱好者的话) To The Teacher(写给老师的话) The Classical guitar(古典吉他构造) Playing Position(演奏姿势) Tuning To The CD Tuning By Yourself(自己调弦的方法) The Right Hand(右手姿势) The Rest Stroke(靠弦奏法) Right Hand Fingernails(右手指甲) Music Symbols(音乐符号) Staff(五线谱) Treble Clef(高音谱号) Lines(五线谱上的线) Spaces(五线谱上的间) Measure Bar Lines(小节线) 4/4 Time Signature(4/4拍) Quarter Notes(四分音符) Half Notes(二分音符) Whole Notes(全音符) Open Strings 1,2 and 3(1,2,3弦空弦音) First String E(1弦E) Second String B(2弦B) Third String G(3弦G) The Musical Alphabet(音名字母) Ocatave(八度) Ledger Lines(加线) The Open Bass Strings(低音弦空弦音) Sixth String E(六弦E) Fifth String A(五弦A) Fourth String D(四弦D) 3/4 Time Signature(3/4拍) Dotted Half Note(附点二分音符) Combining Thumb and Fingers(拇指与其它手指配合拨弦) Free Stroke With The Thumb(拇指不靠弦拨弦) Review of Music Symbols(音乐知识复习) The Left Hand(左手/左手按弦姿势要领) Notes on The First String(1弦上的音符) 按弦手指及左手拇指动作要领 1弦1把位3个音的练习(注意边弹边记忆音名及唱名) Notes on the Second String(2弦上的音符) Combining Strings 1 and 2(1弦与2弦音的结合) 音阶的简单介绍/右手换弦中的指法安排(顺序逆序绕指) First Songs(简单的歌曲) Lightly Row Sur le Pont D'Avignon Go Tell Aunt Rhody(二重奏) Notes On The Third String(3弦上的音符) 3弦上的两个音G和A Merrily We Roll Along Yankee Doodle Phrase and Period(乐段与乐句) Au Clair de la Lune Pick Up Notes(弱起小节音符) For He's A Jolly Good Fellow Camptown Races Ties(连结线/延音线) Down In The Valley When The Saints Go Marching In Shenandoah Eighth Notes(八分音符) 八分音符节奏练习(数拍) 2/4 Time(四二拍,2/4拍) Bingo The Ash Grrove Good King Wenceslas——二重奏 此部分共[9]页: 1>> 2>> 3>> 4>> 5>> 6>> 7>> 8>> 9>> 〖A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar --By Charles Duncan〗 |
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