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此部分共[2]页: 1>> 2>> 〖Heavy Metal Lead Guitar -- Vol.1 -- by Troy Stetina(重金属主音吉他 Vol.1)〗 封面 About the Author Foreword How to use this book Introduction(简介) Timing and rhythm notation(时值与节奏记谱) PART I The minor pentatonic scale(小调五声音阶) The hammer-on and pull-off(击弦与推拉弦) The two-fret bend and release Rock cliches Vibrato(揉弦) Rests(休止) Rhythmic patterns(节奏型) Riffs in the minor pentatonic scale Special techniques(特殊技巧) Muting (闷音) Artificial Harmonics(人工泛音) The Slide(滑奏) The Blues Bend(布鲁斯风格的推弦) Riffs using the special techniques OPEN FIRE (Solo #1) PART II Notes on the sixth string(6弦上的音符) Changing keys(移调) The octave position(小调五声音阶的八度重复位置) The minor pentatonic extention(小调五声音阶扩展) Picking mechanics for sixteenth note rhythms(十六分音符的演奏) Review Combining Rhythms With Riffs Speed exercises for "To The Stage" TO THE STAGE (Solo #2) PART III The blues scale(布鲁斯音阶) The one-fret bend Picking mechanics for triplets(三连音的演奏技巧) Special techniques(特殊技巧) The Pre-bend(预先推弦) The Slow-bend(慢速推弦) The Rake Staccato(断奏) Lazy Triplets Improvisation and Phrasing FROM THE HEART (Solo #3) PART IV Notes on the fifth string(5弦上的音符) The minor pentatonic form with the root on the fifth string(根音在5弦上的小调五声音阶形式) Understanding scale basics(了解音阶的基本知识) The tones of the minor pentatonic scale(小调五声音阶的构成) The natural minor scale(自然小调音阶) Speed exercises for "The Heavy Side" THE HEAVY SIDE (Solo #4) PART V Picking mechanics for crossing strings(跨弦拨弦技巧) Contouring scales(梯度音阶练习) Using scale contours in runs Rhythmic patterns The dorian minor scale(Dorian模式音阶) Faster notes The three and four-fret bend Speed exercises for "Danger Ahead" DANGER AHEAD (Solo #5) PART VI Natural harmonics(自然泛音) Using the vibrato bar(颤音摇杆) Right-hand fretting(右手按弦,点弦技巧) Speed exercises for "Into The Spotlight" INTO THE SPOTLIGHT (Solo #6) 此部分共[2]页: 1>> 2>> 〖Heavy Metal Lead Guitar -- Vol.1 -- by Troy Stetina(重金属主音吉他 Vol.1)〗
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