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〖Understanding Chord Progressions for Guitar by Arnie Berle〗(吉他和弦进行) INTRODUCTION(简介) The purpose of this book is to provide the student with an easy, direct, and practical approach to the study of chords and progressions and their application to song accompaniment. 此部分共[2]页: 1>> 2>> 〖Understanding Chord Progressions for Guitar by Arnie Berle〗 Chords(和弦) Although there are literally hundreds and hundreds of chord forms that one can play, the truth is that most of these chord forms are simply embellished variations of a few more basic chord forms. In other words, it is not really necessary to learn all of the chord forms that are shown in so many chord books. With the chords shown in this book you should be able to play most any song. When you feel comfortable with what you learn in this book, you can add to these basic chords any of the hundreds of embellished chords to dress up your progressions. Progressions(和弦进行) Chords, by themselves, have about as much value as the words in a dictionary. Words take on more meaning when they are used in sentences, and chords take on more meaning when they are used in progressions. Just as a story is made up of sentences, the harmony to a song is made up of progressions. In this book you will learn how to make up, and dress up, some of the more frequently used progressions heard in folk, blues, pop, and jazz. 此部分共[2]页: 1>> 2>> 〖Understanding Chord Progressions for Guitar by Arnie Berle〗
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