
  作者克里斯托弗·帕肯宁(Christopher Parkening),1942年12月14日出生于美国的加利福尼亚,世界著名的杰出古典吉他艺术家之一,他的这本吉他教学方法遵循由简至难的学习步骤,内容涉及到吉他演奏中方方面面的技巧要点与需要注意的问题,也包括吉他音乐记谱以及节奏、声部等方面的知识,作者从吉他的基本构造、演奏的基本姿势、右手拨弦的基本方法、6条弦的空弦音及练习开始,然后是每条弦上的音及相应的练习,这样渐渐进行到多个声部、音阶、琶音、和声等吉他上的各种音乐演奏技巧...的确是一本非常不错的吉他学习教材。
  Parts of the Guitar(吉他的构造)
  Holding the Guitar(吉他演奏的姿势)
  Tuning the Guitar(吉他校音)
  The Right Hand(右手姿势)
  Two Ways of Striking a String(拨弦的两种方法/靠弦与不靠弦弹法)
  Fundamentals of Music Notation(音乐记谱的一些基本知识)
  Rhythm Studies(节奏的学习)
  Notes on the Open Bass Strings(低音弦/456弦上的空弦音)
  Notes on the Open Treble Strings(高音弦/123弦上的空弦音)
  The Left Hand(左手)
  Positioning of the Left-hand Fingers(左手手指的位置)
  Notes on the 1st String(学习1弦上的音)
  Notes on die 2nd String(学习2弦上的音)
  Waltz in A Minor(a小调华尔兹)
  Notes on the 3rd String(3弦上的音)
  Spanish Melody
  Prelude in C Major(C大调前奏曲)
  Rests and Ties(休止与延音/连接)
  Music in Two Voices(两声部乐曲)
  Au Clair de la Lune
  Sharps, Flats, and Naturals(升,降及还原记号)
  6/8 Time Signature(6/8拍子的特点)
  Notes on the 4th String
  Triplets and Sixteenth Notes
  Pick-up Notes
  Fugue - Bach
  Notes on the 5th String
  C Major Scale with Variations
  Notes on the 6th String
  The Natural Scale
  Variation on a Spanish Theme
  The Fingernails
  Tone Production
  Two Notes Played Together
  Spanish Dance
  Kings of Orient
  Open Srring Equivalents
  Guide and Pivot fingers
  Prelude in A Minor
  Chromatic Scale
  Theme from Symphony No. 9 - Beethoven
  English Folk Song
  Table of Common Tempo Terms
  Dynamic Markings
  Repeat Markings
  Allegro - Giuliani
  Ode to Joy - Beethoven
  Spanish Waltz
  Andantino - Carcassi
  In The Hall of Mountain King- Grieg
  Three Notes Played Together
  Estudio - Aguado
  High A on the 1st String
  Bourree - Bach
  Four Notes Played Together
  Prelude in C Major - Carcassi
  Music Theory
    Scales, Intervals, Key Signatures
  Music Theory
    Circle of 5ths, Relative Minors, Chords
  Transposing Keys
  Three Technical Exercises
  Buurree - Telemann
  The Bar
    Prelude in D Major
    All Through the Night
  Supplementary Pieces
    Moderate - Giuliani
    English Dance - Carcassi
    Rondo - Rameau
    Andante - Sor
    Etude - Carulli
    Packington's Pound
    Fur Elise - Beethoven
    Scottish Folk Song
    Minuet in G - Bach
    Lullaby - Brahms
    Waltz in E Minor- Carulli
    Simple Gifts(小礼物)
    Minuet - De Visee
    Kemp's Jig
    Italian Dance - Neusiedler
    Bouree- Bach
    Theme- Handel
    Spanish Folk Song
    Catalonian Song
    Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach
    Summary of Guitar Music Fingering
    The Classical Guitar: A Brief History
    Selecting a Classical Guitar(古典吉他的选择)
    Care of the Guitar(如何保扩吉他)
    Attaching Strings(给吉他上弦)
    Guitar Chord Chart(吉他和弦图)
    Concise Dictionary of Musical Terms
    Fingerboard Chart
