
  大家所熟悉的送别是——长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天,晚风拂柳笛声残....,这首歌曲的旋律原为美国民谣,是美国通俗歌曲作者J·P·奥德威(JohnPondOrdway)所作(1824—1880),曲名原为《梦见家和母亲》(Dreaming of Home and Mother),后来日本歌词作家犬童球溪采用《梦见家和母亲》的旋律填写了一首名为《旅愁》的歌词。我们所听到的<送别>是属于李叔同大师的二次改编,是他在日本留学的时候听到由日本人根据美国原曲旋律改编的日本民谣,然后他受到启发产生了灵感,接着把这首他听到的民谣带回了国,经过在曲子上的一些修改作出了我们现在所熟悉的这首脍炙人口的歌曲。

Dreaming of Home and Mother(By Ordway)
Dreaming of home,dear old home!
Home of my childhood and mother;
Oft when I wake 'tis sweet to find,
I've been dreaming of home and mother;
Home,Dear home,childhood happy home,
When I played with sister and with brother,
'Twas the sweetest joy when we did roam,
Over hill and thro' dale with mother.
Dreaming of home,dear old home,
Home of my childhood and mother;
Oft when I wake 'tis sweet to find,
I've been dreaming of home and mother.
Sleep balmy sleep,close mine eyes,
Keep me still thinking of mother;
Hark! 'tis her voice I seem to hear.
Yes,I'm dreaming of home and mother.
Angels come,soothing me to rest,
I can feel their presence and none other;
For they sweetly say I shall be blest;
With bright visions of home and mother.
Childhood has come,come again,
Sleeping I see my dear mother;
See her loved form beside me kneel
While I'm dreaming of home and mother.
Mother dear,whisper to me now,
Tell me of my sister and my brother;
Now I feel thy hand upon my brow,
Yes,I'm dreaming of home and mother.
