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Harmony,Chord,Interval,本身就是不太容易区分清的概念,在中文里,和声、和弦、音程、和声学、和声的进行与发展也是不太容易搞清楚的内容,尽管已有一些人比较清楚的定义,但是,对更多人来说依然是容易陷入误区,我也同样如此。 查了下网上关于和弦与和声的介绍,包括一些词汇的意义及解释,的确是存在一些问题,一直持有和弦与和声之间到底有什么区别的疑问,现在能理解到的是这样子: a.把 harmony 作为和声(学)来讲,chord 作为和弦来讲,和弦属于静态的,只是用来指代按一定的关系组织的几个音;而和声则有动态的意义,比如和声的进行与发展; b.chord如果作为和弦或和声都可以(的确容易混淆为一体),那么,就不必要仔细区分它们,可以根据人们的倾向性去使用它,比如对于吉他来说称为和弦更容易理解;至于和弦(声)的连接、进行、发展...或者使用具体的描述或者称为和声学或类似的词汇都可;至于和声(弦)必须由几个音来组成,存在一些争议,更多的倾向于是3个及3个以上的音来组成: ———————————————————————————— A melodic interval—two notes, one after the other—is the smallest unit of melody. Likewise. a harmonic interval—two notes played together—is the smallest unit of harmony. It takes two or more tones written or played simultaneously to form a chord. Most basic chords are made up of specific arrangements of three notes, and these are caled triads. 我的理解:一个旋律音程—两个音符,一个在另一个之后,是最小的旋律单位;同样,一个和音音程—两个音同时发声—是最小的和音单位;由两个音组成或同时发声形成和声/和弦(chord),最基本的和弦是由三个音按特定的方式组合而成,它们叫做三和弦。 ———————————————————————————— The use of the word chord began, according to Webster’s, around 1608,and is short for accord, which means to be in harmony, as in agreeing. It’s a good word for a musical chord, because the notes in most chords tend to agree with each other. They sound good together. A chord is three or more notes sounded simultaneously. A chord can be played on one instrument like guitar or piano, or a chord can be played by many instruments at once, like a woodwind quintet, or a brass quartet, or a choir. As long as there are three or more notes sounding simultaneously, it’s a chord. 上面这段描述中以3个以上的音来构成和声/和弦。 ———————————————————————————— 个人以为2个以上的音同时发声称作和弦或和声比较容易理解,如果让我来定义它们的话,象弦乐器可以称作和弦,而非弦乐器可以称为和声,而和声(弦)发展或和声(弦)进行就是和声发展与进行,和声配置就是和声配置,至于对不对我是不太清楚了:) |
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