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Side Head Stall,这也是一个侧重于表演性的花式动作,实战中应用较少,它使用头部的一侧部位来将球停住,一般是从头顶额部停球转接过来。 该技巧动作的基本动作要领及训练方法如下: 1. From normal “head stall” you will need move your head to the side, this has to be done with a fast movement 2. The ball has to roll down from your side of your head. This has to be done with a fast movement! 3. Bend your “right” leg to the side that way you have better chance to control the ball. The ball has to stop on your “ear” or on your “cheekbone” 4. Using your shoulder you going to have to place the ball on side of your head ( ear ) 5. Bend both of your legs. More bend legs, more chances that you will able to balance the ball out on your ear or cheekbone 6. Now balance the ball between your cheekbone and your ear, you have to find the “right spot” to master this trick. 7. With a fast movement bring your head up, make sure that your not moving your head too much, if you do the ball will fall or you will not able to balance the ball 8. Remember that you will have not a lot of time to balance the ball when it’s going up from “side head stall”. You need to do this part in fast movement. 下面的视频演示了它的基本动作要领: |
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