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Knee Stall,这是一个花式表演或实战中都可以应用到的技巧动作,动作的目的是将球在膝部平衡停住,保持静止;这个动作的练习往往从脚上停球然后将球抛起接这一动作。 该技巧动作的基本动作要领及训练方法如下: 1. You can do this trick from footstall 2. Throw the ball as closest to your knee as possible, that way it will be easier for you to catch the ball on your knee and balance it out 3. Catch the ball on your knee, make sure to make a right angle (90°) with your leg. If the ball moves, move your knee also that’s how you balance it out 下面的视频演示了它的基本动作要领: |
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