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Flick ups (1),起球方式有很多,一般起球后会接续踮球或其它一些花式动作,精彩的起球动作会让你的花式表演更具观赏性。 这里的起球方式基本动作要领及训练方法如下: 1. Using your strong foot, kick the ball with inside heel against inside heel of your weak foot. You need to hit the ball in the center 2. Have your weak foot on the ground, while your strong foot is on the tip ball. Using your strong foot roll the ball on your weak foot 3. With a fast movement with your strong foot, roll the ball on your weak foot, and the ball will go up 4. Put your strong foot on top of the ball, while your weak foot is on the ground 5. With a fast movement with your strong foot roll the ball on your weak foot 下面的视频演示了它的基本动作要领: |
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