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Bouncing off ATW(Bouncing Off Around The World),先将球抛起,再用脚外侧将球弹起后接ATW。 它的基本动作要领及训练方法如下: 1. For this trick you going to have to use your strong foot, hold the ball in “foot stallposition 2. Throw the ball straight up above you head 3. Twist your foot to inside position like this, make sure that you twist it as much as possible because ball will have to bounce up from side of your shoe 4. Make sure that ball falls exactly on side of your shoe, if it doesn’t you won’t able to do this trick... 5. When the ball bounces off your shoe, and goes up, with the same leg do “Around the World” ATW and catch the ball 下面的视频演示了它的基本动作要领: |
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